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Cannot Cure Neopet


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I've tried googling this and searching the forums, but I haven't been able to come up with any results (or maybe I'm just using the wrong keywords). So here I am!


Has anyone tried to cure a pet from a disease and was told "Error: You cannot cure a pet while it is in a fight!" when your pet was, in fact, not in a fight?


I know I could wait and have a few snowballs thrown in my face for kicks and giggles until the Water Faerie decides to help, but with the Neggitus Injection being so cheap, I'd like to avoid her patronizing smile at my expense. ^_^'

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Have you had you pet in a fight recently and just left the page instead of exiting? Also, if the cures think you're in a fight, the water faerie probably does too. Try going to the BD and seeing if you can battle, then hitting 'exit' when the battle is over. Othere wise you'll have to send in a ticket :/


Added Info: If your pet has never been in a fight, if it's adopted it may be that the previous owner abandoned it while it was still in a fight. In which case TNT just has to do a quick fix and presto ^.^ you can cure your neopet

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Just double check the challenges page and if you can just finish the battle and either press Exit or new fight, this will take you out of your current fight and you should be able to either use the Healing Springs or the cure for your pet's disease.

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Hmm... I double checked and I'm definitely not in a fight. This particular pet is only a few months old and has never battled. It also has never been adopted. Thanks for the suggestions, though.




I think I figured it out. I was finally able to cure my Neopet after I made a different Neopet active. I think that the active Neopet is automatically seen in the battledome as "Getting Ready For A Battle" since it's the first Neopet that pops up when you first enter the battledome... even though you're not in a battle. It's just a speculation, though. I can't think of any other reason other than a glitch.

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