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Apologies if this has already been answered, but does anyone know if your pet's level makes any difference in the new BD?


In the old one, you got beserk at level 25, or was it lvl 50, can't remember...


Anyway, as my pet's stats are:


Str : 422

Def : 36

Mov : 352

Hp : 1245

Lvl : 25


the only realistic thing I can train is level, so I'm wondering if it's worth it...


(btw, those stats are what you get if you zap your pet with the lab ray every day for ~10 years :P )


You would get Beserk at level 50. As of right now, you don't have access to stances (like Beserk), so they don't matter yet. Outside of getting access to Beserk, level has absolutely NO impact on the BD. The only thing it really matters for is training. Your Defense, Strength, and Movement can only be twice your level, and HP can be three times your level.

Since your pet is lab trained, and outside of the realms of realistically evening it out, I would just keep on zapping. Perhaps buy some armoured neggs to try and increase your defense. You can train your level up very cheaply (Swashbuckling Academy), so you can be above 50- you'll be ahead of the game if stances are released along with the plot. :)


beserk and other level things aren't in the new battledome... yet(Oh Beta). But with those stats who needs beserk XD Remember that you'll have to raise level eventually if you want to raise everything else


If you want to train, you're probably best off doing item training. I have a lab rat, too, and I always dismissed item training as too expensive, but it's definitely cheaper than putting in the investment to raise level and then training at the Secret Ninja school.


Geez. Your stats are impressive! Especially your HP. :P I'm jealous, lol. I'm unsure of what "stances" are, so I'm off to check the battlepedia yet again. LOL.


Definitely use Armoured Neggs :D I'm super jealous of your pet =)))



To train up your pet's defense to as high as 450, you're gonna need around 12.5- 16.5 mil :/ (This is assuming you buy all the neggs from the Shop Wiz) But you can easily restock Neggs from the Food Shop for around 1/2 their price on the Shop Wizor get them from Key Quest for free, then you can exchange them for Negg Tokens :)


You can also win an Armoured Negg from the Kreludor Robot (I forgot the actual name) XD


For strength, check out Bubbling Fungus - it can add 1-5 strength but also has the chance of decreasing strength by 1-5 XD


But that's actually a bargain if you think about it.

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