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Hello! I'm new! (Also I have something important to say for the TDN staff)

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First of all, hello everyone! I'm a total n00b both here and on Neopets (despite my being on there for a long time, d'oh), so please be gentle. :P


So what is the important message for the TDN staff? Please, gather around everyone, as I tell a story about exactly how stupid I am. So normally, I'm your typical lurker on Neopets with a very modest amount of NP in my bank account and have no friends. I do the dailies, play some games, and that's about it. I use TDN as my site for all the daily links as it makes everything easier. I stumbled across their Avatar Lending Program earlier, however, and was ecstatic. I love collecting avatars! This is the part with my stupidity kicks in. I was so happy that I started requesting all the items I could afford left and right. I thought I was doing it right because I had read all of the conditions carefully, until it dawned on me to read the little paragraph that comes up after you've finished sending in your application/request. There, it clearly said something along the lines of, "Please do not send in any more requests until you have received a reply Neomail for your application as it clogs up our system." I froze, and mentally thought, "!!@!@#@!$%^*&(^%!@#!" I can't believe I didn't read that part until I sent in like 1298374293874 applications! (I AM SO, SO, SOOOOO SORRY TDN STAFF! I swear I didn't mean to send in so many!) I felt so terrible that I immediately hastened to apologize to the staff ASAP. I didn't know what else to do but create a forum account and write out what had happened here. I hope someone is nice enough to relay this message to one of the staffers (or hopefully one of them reads this themselves)!


What a great first impression, eh? (Please don't hate me)


TL;DR: Hello everyone, My name is I-D-I-O-T.

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Awh, please don't be so hard on your self! Just so you know, a lot of the staff comes on here and chats actively with everyone.. so I'm sure they will see your message. :) I'm sure it's really not as big a deal as you think and that they have no hard feelings towards you... just a slight misunderstanding is all.


Aside from that, welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here! :)

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Ahhh, thank you! That's a relief to hear. I hope that everything turns out ok!


I'm sure I'll enjoy it here since everyone is really nice and understanding from what I've been seeing in other threads. (Like yourself) :)

Everything will turn out okay, don't sweat it! As you'll notice, the forums tend to get kinda dead at this time of night. If you check back tomorrow, there'll be loads more people on and staff will reply and let you know everything is fine... I'm sure! :)

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As the wise Xandria has foretold...


First: Hi. I'm Livvy. I'm staff. I'm not the staff that handles ALP lends, but I know everyone who does (we're a small, close-knit group here at TDN) and they're all very nice, I assure you. So don't panic - I'm sure they understand. I'll do what I can to make sure your message gets to them, okay? :)


Second: Welcome to TDNF! I hope you enjoy your time here, even if the circumstances of your joining were less than ideal. We've got a pretty great bunch of folks here, and I think you'll find the community just as fulfilling as all those avvies. =]


Third: I swear I don't usually sound quite so cold and robotic. I just woke up, so I'm basically a zombie, but I really do emphatically hope that you have fun here. I just can't convey that before noon. :tired:

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Awww. *hugs* Welcome! I help lend with the ALP and you'd actually be surprised about how many people request multiple lends xD It happens almost daily, so it's not bad :P Usually whoever takes care of your first lend will just tack a little reminder on the end of the NM they send, just to remind excited people to only request one item at a time xD


Hope you enjoy the forums!

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Hi! :D I'm Spritzie and I'm an ALP lender. I'm actually the one that came across your requests. Don't worry about it, it happens. (Avatars have this weird ability to cause excitement that temporarily makes our brains stop functioning as well as they normally do. We've all fallen victim to it's insanity at one time or another.)


Like Emily said, we just send a little reminder about the rule, so you know and so you don't wonder what happened to your other requests.


And now that you're here, we hope you stick around and enjoy everything that TDN has to offer. There's so much added amazing here on the forums, from personalized help to questions, to great discussions and awesome people. :D

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HI, welcome to TDN! :3


As everyone else has said, you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. :3 Everyone has made mistakes like that at some point or another. I have done tonnes of stuff on here, and relating to the ALP that made me headdesk! :P


Anyway, I hope you stick around and enjoy the forums- we have a fantanstic group here. :D

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Howdy howdy! :D I'm Hana and pretty new here too. The ALP is AMAZING and Spritzie does an amazing job at not getting frustrated by intelligence-lacking people like me xD


I'm glad you decided to join the forums though, we're a pretty cool bunch :D


I hope to see you around.

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Welcome to the forums and I hope you stick around after you're done with the ALP. I joined initially to get all those avvies too but now that I've gotten pretty much all of them that they have to offer, I am so happy I stuck around! This is such a great community of people that you can discuss anything Neopets related with without them getting sick of it (like my boyfriend does haha). And don't feel bad about making that mistake because we have all been there in one way or another. I have asked many a stupid question on the boards and no one has ever made me feel bad about it! Anyways, it's nice to meet you and see you around :)

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Hi Shanaynay and welcome to TDNF :) I'm Erika. I think you've already gotten all the assurance that you've committed no big sin that you need, so I'm going to stick to just welcoming you :P


I love your Ogrin's name, by the way! I'm not sure if you speak japanese (french is impressive enough! c: ) but warai kouma means laughing/smiling pony :P (Could mean, I should say, the japanese have a bunch of meanings to most words).

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OMG, what an overwhelming response! :whaa: I was gone for just one day and all of you lovely people just popped out of nowhere! Ahhh, thank you all so much! Really, you are too kind! ^_^ I'm glad I'm not the only one who makes these stupid mistakes, aha. In any case, it's lovely to meet all of you! (Don't mind if I snoop around on your profiles and all that, k?)




Xandria: Lol, I'm sorry but I signed off before you replied since I was pretty tired. :P Also, can I just say that I have a major weakness for british accents too?


Livvy: Thank you! I'm glad I joined now that I know how awesome everyone is. And don't worry, you didn't sound robotic at all. (But I totally understand not being alive for some time after you wake up - I tend to channel Grumpy Cat for around two hours after I wake up XP)


Emily: Ah yes, I checked that out just now. I got a little too excited, haha. Yay hugs! (>^_^)> <(^_^<)


Spritzie: Aha! So I'm not the only one to fall victim to this pandemic! Something about getting those avatars is just so rewarding....I will definitely be sticking around, though I'm a lurker in my natural state, so I might not be making as many posts as others on here. Writing so much on just this thread is close to a miracle, believe me. XD


Rebecca: Thank you! I'll be lurking around for sure. ;P


Justina: Nice to meet you! I'm Shanaynay. :)


Hana: Hello Neofriend! :D Yay, n00b buddies! I'm glad the mods/staff are so nice. I have an irrational fear of forum mods. Don't want to get on their bad side...o.O


Gingerew: Hi! Thanks for the encouragement. I'll most likely be staying on here after the ALP stuff is done because it's so nice to make new friends! I expect I'll be asking stupid questions in the future too, probably, but knowing how great everyone here is, I'm a little less nervous about that, lol.


Haliaetus: Aww, thank you! I have no idea what I'd talk about on here, honestly. I know I can get help if I need it, for sure, but I'm a bit shy when it comes to jumping into conversations. I feel like I'm butting in without being invited. xD


Erika: OH. MY. GOD. HIDDLEEEEEEEES! :fangirl squee: AAAAH! Very nice to meet you, fellow Loki/Hiddles fan! XD Actually, I named my Ogrin that thinking that 'warai' meant something like 'cute' for males, but your translation is even better! I don't speak Japanese, sadly, but when I named him, I was really into anime/manga so I know quite a few words in Japanese just from that. XP French I took in high school (a while back), so it's a little rusty for me. (My username is actually not properly conjugated since I made it when I was still learning, haha! It's meant to say "Live, laugh, love") I'm always envious of Neopets players who have like a bazillion trophies on their profile. How do you guys do it?! :O




Phew, that took a while to type out. So, again, wonderful to meet you all, and I'm sure we will all be seeing each other in the future! :)

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A budding friendship is emerging, I can sense it - we already have Loki/Tom and the color green in common ;) As for the trophies I claim persistence! (and loooooots of luck)

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A budding friendship is emerging, I can sense it - we already have Loki/Tom and the color green in common ;) As for the trophies I claim persistence! (and loooooots of luck)


I am sensing it too. \o/ Hiddles brings everyone together~


Damn, that's the one thing I suck at. I give up too easily when playing games. XD (I just get so frustrated! ><)

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