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Hey :)


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Hello there :) well I'm very very new to TDN . The most I've used from them is their dailies, which helps me a lot so I'm starting to use their other great features.


I'm an old member of neopets, although I had to create a new account a couple months ago because I lost my old account (bummer :( ) but I'm glad to be back in the game ... With all these new events going on, it's kind of awesome. After years of not being on neopets. I miss the advent calendar the most ..


I'm looking forward to all the new and great people of TDN. Ummmmm I'm not sure what else I can say *smile*



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Sorry to hear about your lost account, I've had many that I've had to replace over the years! xD

Welcome to the forums though, I'm sure you'll love it here!

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Welcome to the forums! We have an awesome community here. I hope you like it and I look forward to seeing you around. <3

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Hi there, welcome to TDN! -offers cookies- I too lost my original account- I was so bummed! :(

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Guest JussttBre

Hi and welcome! The same thing happened to me so I have a new account but I've been on Neopets since I was little. Welcome to the community though, my names Bre.

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