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I am new to TDN, but a pretty long time neopets player. My current account goes back to 2007, though my first one which I lost the password to and no longer have the e-mail address I made it with was far older, probably 01 or 02.


Even with my newer account I am just back from a couple years of not playing and TDN is great for helping get back into the dailies and learning all the things I missed while away from the game.


Of course to see how inflated some of the prices on things have become is not real fun, I remembered fire paint brushes being 80k not 750k!


I did however get very lucky in having had about 600k investeded in stocks. 2 of them were worthless and gone, and one was still arounf the 15 NP I paid for my shares, but my 13k of vpts stock was worth millions so I have a bank that matches inflation at least, though I am not spending any for now, want to hit 10m in the bank and keep it above that before I start spending much. The dailies and games TDN has quick links to should help with that :3.


As for my female user name, well that goes back to an old rpg game, very long stroy I will not bore everyone with.


As for other interests, well there are several other online games I play like runescape, and guild wars 2 (I hope it ok to mention other games did not see anything saying we could not in forum guidelines), read, and console game when I am not at work.


I will post time to time when a topic catches my eye.

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Welcome to the forums, I'm Xandria. TDN has helped me in so many ways so I'm glad you're reaping the benefits too. ^^

Hope to see you around! & Congrats. I'm sure it was a nice surprise to come back to millions of NP's.

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Welcome to TDN Forums and merry Christmas! I've never been good with stocks (or numbers at all) but I bet coming back to those numbers was pretty cool! I too am back after a hiatus but unfortunately did not have millions of NPs waiting for me. :)

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Hi there, and welcome to TDN! -offers cookies-

Yeah, it was a shocker for me when I returned from a hiatus how much everything inflated. Fortunately, it is also A LOT easier to earn NP now, between Key Quest and Habitarium. :)

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Guest JussttBre

Hello and welcome, my names Bre. I also once came back to a very nice inflatation of stocks which finally helped me reach the million mark. Always a nice suprise!

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