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I am going crazy. I need a guild!


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Like a very well rounded guild. I think my standards might be too high because I have made a few amazing guilds but went on hiatus and POOF.


I just really want a good guild to be in and participate in and I am soooo tired of seeing the same guilds on the GC boards.


Help!! Haha


I am a stickler for graphics! They must be pretty -_-

Something established.

Somewhere active but not over crowded so I won't be ignored

Preferably somewhere I can help out a little in the future.

Activities that people actually participate in.



Teams and portfolios are a plus but not required.


Show me something good!!!

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You can check out my guild if you want. It's called Underwater Spirits and has been opened since 2006. We are currently 160 members, though I'd estimate that only 10% are active on a weekly basis. I rarely go on and delete people, unless they have never contribute a single post.


Everyone is always kind and helpful with each other. The only thing is that you might find it a little slow at the moment. That's partially because many people are busy with exams or the holidays seasons. It gets fairly active during the summer though :D


I try to set up special holidays activities for Halloween, Christmas, Valentine or Easter. We also had some other kind of events in the past. And there are some recurring activities to keep you busy as well. Though I know I could update them more often. I was overwhelmed with projects this semester -_-. You can check our webbie here.

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If you're into Key Quest, then you can click on the 'Key Quest guild' link I have in my signature. If you're not that into it, feel free to ignore my post. xD


We have 272 members, but there's only a small handful on at a time chatting. Like 5 or less most of the time. This is the first guild where I feel like I've clicked with everyone and haven't been ignored. People are cheery and helpful and are more than willing to lend you a hand.


We've got an awesome layout that represents the Key Quest vault! (as that's what the guild name is) xD

To join:

  • You must have at least 100 total keys in collection.
  • At least 25% of your total key count must be gold
    Unless you have over 200 silver keys.

​There are 4 guild ranks you can work your way towards, chatting on the message board and participating in our events we have. KQ Tournaments and other exciting things! ^_^

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