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I'm 25 years old and have been playing neopets since.... I don't know haha.. It was a long time ago when my best friend introduced me to the game. I've been playing on and off for the past years before I quit completely (and forgot my account haha). So I'm starting fresh and hope to be more active. I came across this website a few weeks ago and it has been very helpful from day 1, so I finally decided to make a forum account here :) Nice to meet you all!


My main goal at the moment I guess is making more NP and filling my trophy cabinet ;D

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HI there, welcome to TDN! -offers cookies- I hope you enjoy yourself here. :D


You've already got quite a nice collection of trophies! We have a thread there (http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/35707-the-official-easy-trophies-thread/) that should help you to get a few more! It definitely helped me. :)

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Welcome to the forums! As many others have said your trophy collection is going great! It's nice to meet you and I hope to see you around. :)

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Hello there, welcome to the TDN Forums! I joined for the same reason you did, I eventually thought it was about time I had an account here too. ^_^

Hope you enjoy yourself here. :)

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