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Pant Devil Battledome


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You know how you need to unlock the pant devil (when he steals something from you) in Defenders of Neopia to fight him, well I got the pant devil in the wheel of excitement but with the new beta battledome the pant devil is already there so does that mean I would be able to fight him one the beta thing is over and have to unlock him again?

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If I were TNT I wouldn't want to go through millions of accounts to verify that they did in fact beat him, so they might keep him on the list. But then that would make getting him on the wheel of excitement useless :/ So they might just make everyone find and battle him again

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I'm guessing you didn't have the Pant Devil before, so I think you obtained him fair and square and he'll stick around. Not all of the challengers are available for everyone, even with Beta. I know a lot of people who are still trying to get the Snow Beast, and I just got Sidney as a challenger this morning.


I don't think you can complete any of the steps in Defenders of Neopia right now, so wouldn't you need to wait? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something though


Littelblossomz is right. The Defenders of Neopia trophies aren't working right now. You can beat the Pant Devil, but you won't get the DoN trophy or the next mission.

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