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Anyone know why Snow paint brushes are cheaper than Christmas ones?


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I was considering painting my Christmas cybunny Snow because her [nick]name is Snow, haha. She's been Christmas for a good couple of years now and I worked green and red into her charrie design.


But I noticed Christmas pbs are like... 50-60k while snow pbs are high 40k. This baffled me because Christmas paint brushes have been handed out by the advent calendar a couple of times now... Anyone know why snow would be cheaper?


Also, if you wanna help me decide on a color here's pics!



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It's the eyes. All of the snow critters have grey or coal eyes, and people find that unattractive.


As far as what 'I' personally prefer, it depends on the neopet. Hehe. I love the snow Boris for instance with their carrot claws, and snow yurbles are so ADORALE with their leafy manes, but I think christmas cybunny is cuter than snow. Those green feet are just cute for some reason. :P


Also, looking over the pets I can see the real difference: may of the the christmas pets look like reindeer, christmas pteri looks like a robin, and christmas zafara looks like an angel.


I LOVE chrismtas Ogrin and Kau. They are probably my favorites. Hehe.

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It's honestly a hard choice for me, because I really do love Snow Cybunnies (they are my favorite snow pet - I'm actually considering getting one myself. :P) But the way you have your pet customized (as most others have said) looks better with the green ears, paws, and eyes. Just my opinion though!


Btw - your customization is amazing either way! I love it. <3

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As elbadito999 is supply and demand, I think that many people has bought Christmas PB just to have extra clothing for their species as the snow one has no clothes. That's why I think people buy more Christmas PB than Snow PB.


Personally, I like Christmas Cybunny better, specially because the eye colour.

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I know a lot of people have chimed in on this, but I'd like to add my two cents :) I really love your customization, and my preference is the Christmas pet with it - although usually I would pick the snow pet so that's a testament to your great customization!

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Both are really cute, so you'd be good either way, I think! I have a slight preference for the Christmas, but Snow is just too cute too. :3

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AH! Your customization is SO adorable--the wings, the bow, the background, the everything. I agree that with your accessories the Christmas color is slightly cuter!


Does anyone else have a Christmas pet? I hope I'm not offending owners of Christmas yurbles everywhere when I say that my Christmas yurble is hideous. It's by far the ugliest thing the lab ray has ever done to my pet and I can't wait for it to change!

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Hahaha, thanks everyone! Means a lot! I think I will keep her Christmas. I also think that Christmas is more expensive because it adds more to a pet rather than just giving it a texture (like the snow does), and I did not know about the Key quest stuff, that probably lowers snow pbs a lot.

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-is a little late in on the discussion-

Just wanted to say this is one of the prettiest winter theme customisations I've ever seen and you made a good choice keeping her Christmas! :D

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-is a little late in on the discussion-

Just wanted to say this is one of the prettiest winter theme customisations I've ever seen and you made a good choice keeping her Christmas! :D


Thank you so much! She's my favorite pet to customize, I like to mix spooky and holiday with her c:

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