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I have been a member of thedailyneopets.com for a very long time. I use mainly the dailies of the website.


However, I don't even know there is a forum until the last couple of days.


I don't have much friends (or any friend at all) in neopets. So I hope I could make some friends here

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Hi there, nice to see you on the forums! :D -offers cookies- I hope you really enjoy yourself here. :D

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Welcome to TDN! *Offers a cuppycake* I love your username, as I'm an obsessed GLEE fan myself I must appreciate it even those darned Warblers tried to steal Blaine O.O Anyway, back to welcoming you, I hope you enjoy it here and there are some awesome people here who love to be of help, so feel free to send me a PM or NM if you ever need anything :)

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Welcome to the forums! Tons of nice people here. Every last one of my neofriends are from this forum. :) Great people. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here too. ^^

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Hi! Glad you've finally made your move to the forum. :) I only recently joined aswell.

I'm Jordan, by the way. Hope you enjoy yourself here. ^_^

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