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Hi everyone! I don't know if anyone'll remember me from a year ago or so; probably not so I'll just treat my post here like my first one! My name's Laura and I'm an art student.


I have a slight obsession to Neopets; even when I disappear for a while I always end up finding myself back here sooner or later!

I've never really taken part in an of the contests or spotlights on Neopets up until now; I really want to change that, though. In november last year I submitted my first ever entry to the Beauty Contest for my pet Luanolu, which was super fun. I'm hoping to get a submission together for the pet spotlight next. I also like handing out freebies & taking part in art trades around the forums so that's probably where you'll find me most often.


So yeah, a bit more about myself; I'm quite bubbly, and I try to treat others the way I would want to be treated. I like meeting new people, gaining new friends and having a laugh. That's all I can think to add, but I'm glad to be back and can't wait to meet you all! ^u^ b


Hi Laura,

I'm new to the forums, but a longtime Neopets player!

I love your neopets user layout :) absolutely stunning!



Hi Jadey, it's nice to meet you! c:

Awh, thank you! I was considering updating the chibi in the top left with a more up to date one, but I can't be bothered with the hassle. xDD


Aah, hello! : D How are you? It's been so long.


It has indeed. Crazy right? I remember university got seriously demanding about this time last year and I just ended up on Hiatus from TDN and Neo because of it. :c


I don't seem to remember you, but welcome back! Nice to see someone returning to TDNF after being for so long.


Welcome back! I'm new to forums but I've been on Neopets for quite awhile. Like yourself I've returned after hiatus and want to become more active in the community as well. I haven't done any contests yet but I think i might submit something for the Neopian Times.. we'll see. :)


Hi there, welcome back! :D I don't think I was around before you went on hiatus. -offers cookies- Nice to see you return anyway. ^_^


Thank you everyone! c:

tatartot - You should! The contests are so much fun, plus you get a shiny trophy for your lookup. xD What's not to like, haha.


Ah, really? How long have you been gone for? I'll admit that there are certain graphic and layout updates like the community hub, and the new fruit machine that I was surprised at, but within a day I had familiarised myself with it all. It's still good old neo to me. :)


I have been off for so

Ah, really? How long have you been gone for? I'll admit that there are certain graphic and layout updates like the community hub, and the new fruit machine that I was surprised at, but within a day I had familiarised myself with it all. It's still good old neo to me. :)


I was off for several years. Making nps back at my time was so easy. Not now tho :( How long have you been playing?


8 and a half years for me, on and off.


I honestly haven't noticed any difference at all; although I never did care much for collecting neopoints when I was younger; I preferred playing solitaire, dailies and pyramids, and making my lookup look pretty. Recently though with the release of Habitarium, and now that I know how the stock market works, I find that the neopoints are just pouring in. ^u^

Honestly, if you're not playing Habitarium I would totally recommend it.


See. There's so many thing that I need to get around with. Habitarium is new to me. Then the negg puzzle thing (isn't it). I still have no idea how to get started with those. Well, I hope I will get used to them in a near future


How can you don't think that neopets has changed? NC is focused on too much now. UC pets are beautiful .....


Ah yeah, the negg puzzle thing is quite recent, I didn't know what to do with that a couple of days ago. After one trial run though, it's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. c:


The NC hasn't changed the demographic or gameplay of neopets, whatsoever. It's still very much an optional thing. Yes, a lot of the updated graphics for pets are a little blunt around the edges (UC faerie Lenny will forever be my favourite pet), and I was gutted when I found out about it at first, but other than visual impact you can't possibly say that it affects the gameplay, or the community of neopets.

In this economic climate, I don't blame websites for wanting to scrape by with a little extra cash, it's happening all over. I would rather see some additional effort going into NC than the site itself being pay to play. :) Besides, there's still a lot of effort going into NP features so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

At the end of the day, the essence of the site is still very much like I remember it, which is a good thing. ^_^

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