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I feel like a reet traitor but ...


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I joined Subeta yesterday and um, really like it :*


Is anyone else on there? I have no friends and everyone's been playing for years and is intimidating XD


On another note I've been hiccuping for 25 minutes.... HELP?!!?!

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It's actually really good! I joined yesterday cause I was bored and now I'm getting really into it :P




THEY'RE GONE!!!!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you! I've never hiccuped for that long before, so annoying D:

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Yay, I'm glad your hiccups are gone. :D


I've never tried Subeta either. I don't want to risk finding something else to take up all my time, LOL.

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I know what you mean Rebecca but I have way too much spare time on my hands. I end up most days just refreshing the neoboards like a zombie :/ lol


And yeah Rebecca (:P) it's like Neopets but quite different, really. It's a lot easier to play! Some things are a huge improvement ^^

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I know what you mean Rebecca but I have way too much spare time on my hands. I end up most days just refreshing the neoboards like a zombie :/ lol


And yeah Rebecca ( :P) it's like Neopets but quite different, really. It's a lot easier to play! Some things are a huge improvement ^^

Awww. Yeah, I know what you mean. I sometimes end up doing that on my days off. And then I kind of get knocked out of it, and decide that maybe I should actually clean something, or do some baking. XD I have a tonne of baking I need to get started on, since just before Christmas I'm going to be soooo busy at work, but neopets is WAY more important, apparently. :P
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Never heard of it, but re:hiccups - I always hold my nose and drink water. Works every time. I once heard if you hold your nose and plug your ears and drink water, but of course you have to have more hands for that, so I skipped the ears and it seems to work anyway! :P

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