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Pokemon Diamond and Pearl!


Pokemon Diamond/Pearl  

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  1. 1. What are your thoughts on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

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    • Pearl seems better...
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Woohoo! I got the game yesterday, but I haven't been able to play it much yet. Only got about three pokemon so far... But what I found the most dissapointing about this game was not the graphics or play or anything; it was the guide that I bought along with it. O.o


No Pokemon Section in the back.


I feel jipped since that was always my most frequented section. Does anyone know of another game guide with that section? Perhaps I could return this one...

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I think my Kricketune is growing on to me... It looks too much like a violin! Also, I can't resist it's funny looking handlebar mustache... @_@


Pokemon so far:


On Team:

Lv. 16 Bibarel

Lv. 18 Grotle

Lv. 16 Kricketune

Lv. 12 Buizel


In PC:

Lv. 10 Zubat

Lv. 6 Budew

Lv. 11 Parichisu (Not spelled right. Most likely English Pokemon name I'll always write incorrectly.)

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No, that's Jhoto. It has a Happiny! Chansey's pre-evo! And I'm SO close to it hatching, I just know it! I'm in the 4th gym, the water one. Monferno might not be the bext choice, but I have a fast and powerful Luxio in reserve.


And my team (PC has too many to add, and I'm in a battle)


Lv 33 Monferno

Lv 27 Luxio

Lv 26 Floatzel

Lv 23 Starvia

Lv 19 Buneary (Has EXP Share, working on Happiness so it'll evolove)


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The 3rd one? *thinks* You have to find her in the Coal Mine. Around the back, pink haired human. She'll use Rock Smash on the 2 bolders besider her when you talk to her.


Oh, and reset your step counter. By Serebii, it'll be 10,240 steps till it hatches.

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Ah! Alright!

Chansey has always been one of my favorites... it has excellent defense and some good healing techniques. Which basically is why Nurse Joy(s) have them at Pokemon Centers.


On Team:

Lv. 21 Cranidos

Lv. 22 Buizel

Lv. 20 Kricketune

Lv. 22 Grotle



(Note: My Bibarel is in my PC at the moment.)


Also, I caught a Cleffa earlier....

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Maybe. Or maybe they just can't keep track. xD

Monferno went out early. O.O Had to revive Luxio twice, but thank goodness for whirlwind!

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