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Hi all, just thought I'd stop by and introduce myself. I've seen a few on here already with a similar story to myself - I used to play neopets when I was about 13, which would be over ten years ago now, and recently decided that a little escape from my boring adult life wouldn't go amiss. I've had a few accounts in my time but I've decided to start over, seeing as my previous choices in usernames and petnames is fairly embarassing.


I wasn't expecting to get back into the site so much, which explains my poor choice of a name for my first pet, but I'm really enjoying it! TDN has been invaluable in explaining things to me so I decided to pop on in and say hi.


I have a starry shoyru and a snow kougra as my pets (just adopted and painted the kougra today actually, just because I liked the name) and I've decided on a dream pet that will take me months to save up for, but I will get there! I'm already a habitarium addict and I'm looking forward to racking up the np when I eventually reach level 50.


I'll stop yabbering on now, but I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.

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Hi and welcome, Zee - I'm Erika :)


Haha, you are never too old for Neopets - in the undying words of David Lewis: When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up ;)


As far as baaziiiingaaaa is concerned - if she's named in honor of Sheldon Cooper, she's alright in my book ;)


I hope I'll see you around the forums :)

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Welcome to the forums! I'm Erin and it's nice to meet you! I did the same thing, I was on when I was younger and then after returning on and off again, I finally really got back into Neopets about a year and a half ago. Then I discovered TDN and it's helped me meet lots of other wonderful players and also helped me get some avatars. I'm also just working on my Habi (level 45 - woohoo!) and it's already been so profitable so I can't wait for level 50. NF me if you want and I can send you stuff on Habi. By the way, I love your display picture - peacocks are the best! Hope to see you around soon :)

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Hello, welcome back to Neopets c:

I've just returned myself from a long hiatus & before I know it I'm more involved than I thought lol

If you'll like a repair buddy for Habitarium, you can add me :)

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Welcome to TDN! -offers cookies- I hope you like it here! :D


Oooh, what is your expensive dreamie that you've chosen?

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Hey Zeebee! Nice to meet you^-^ yupp i've been on and off neopets myself, looking back at all the pet names my younger self created sure makes my laugh now and then. Welcome to the forums, be seein ya around :laughingsmiley:

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


I'll shoot you some friend requests now, Erin and Zephyr, thanks for offering to be repair buddies. :laughingsmiley:


As far as baaziiiingaaaa is concerned - if she's named in honor of Sheldon Cooper, she's alright in my book ;)


She sure is!


Oooh, what is your expensive dreamie that you've chosen?


An Eventide Xweetok, I just think it's gorgeous. Hopefully the price of an eventide pb will come down by the time I can start to think about affording one - they're going for about 5mil at the moment on the TP, and with a 3 week old account it's clearly going to be a long time in the making, especially if the dailies are as cruel with me as they are today!

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