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How the Aisha Lost its Earstalks


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Gather 'round childrens, and listen to the story of "How the Aisha Lost Its Earstalks:"


....i have no idea. The End.


My sister reported last night that her Aisha's ears were missing. I took its helmet off, saved, resaved, reloaded, and said a few chants and did the hokey-pokey, but sure enough, the poor thing's head is totally bare:




I can't find anything on the interwebs about this ever happening. Some further detective work on my part revealed that Darth was sick for a few days, but i can't find any evidence that deformity is a side effect of prolonged illness. I think my sister has herself a cool and unique freak of nature, but she's pretty unhappy with the new look. Funny how when i said "freak of nature" i meant it as a "pro," but she saw it as a big "con." Go fig.


I guess my main question for you all would be whether you've ever heard of this happening before. And if anybody has any recommendations for cheap PB/MP's she can use to fix it if filing a bug ticket doesn't help, i'd like to hear that too. And finally, i'd be interested to learn where people stand on the whole "freak of nature" thing ;)

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Have you tried putting something else on the cute lil' freak's head? A wig, hat or anything really. Even the so called cursed helmet?


Once a friend of mine removed a wig from the head of a Yurble and most of it's mane came off with it :O Needless to say, perhaps, the Yurble does not look anywhere near as cute as your sister's Aisha (in my opinion) does.


Cheapest PB I know of, would be the Speckled Paint Brush c:

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Awhh. It still looks cute too xD


I think it might just be an art glitch. It's happened to other species before. Sometimes it's as a result of painting, zapping, or, like in your case, certain items of clothes. TNT should be able to fix it if you'e sent in a ticket, it might just take a little while :)

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Since the Aisha's customisation is kind of outer space, alien-thingy, isn't it better that it is unique in a kind of cute mutant way? Plus, it looks like a right, ol' cat now. :D


On another note, I think that I have read of this thing before in the editorials and like Emily said, it was always recommended to send a ticket to TNT and that they would fix it with time.

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I've never heard of that happening before. I'd just submit a ticket though if she wants it fixed.


I can't help but think it looks like a normal cat now instead of an aisha. These neopets peeps aren't really good with creativity...


You're so right. I think it looks much cuter as a normal cat, but then again I think cats are adorable creatures.

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Well! You've all given me some very good food for thought, and as a result, i solved the mystery! Yay us!


Darth has been wearing that Space Trooper outfit for several years (i mean, she is called "DarthSpooki"), but i noticed while pondering that the Darigan Minion thingy i gave her had been replaced with that little spaceship. So on a hunch i had my sister remove the spaceship...and when that didn't work, we stripped Darth bare.


It was the shirt. The shirt she's been wearing since like 2008. Apparently the "Space Trooper Armour" has suddenly (?) begun restricting "head transient biology," so when my sister changed the background & some of the props and re-saved, the new (?) restriction was applied.


So the good (?) news is, Darth is not a freak. The bad news is, i can't fix it. We tried putting different clothes on her, but the final decision was that between "earless Darth" and "Darthless Darth," the former was the least disappointing.


I had something sorta similar happen very recently with my Kyrii suddenly not being able to wear Elegant Gear Boots. It's a plot to nudify Neopia, i tells ya.


Since the Aisha's customisation is kind of outer space, alien-thingy, isn't it better that it is unique in a kind of cute mutant way?

I was really gunning for the whole freak thing, so i'm totally with you. I had already started cooking up a plan to have Darth come stay with her Aunt Misha for a little bit while i created an entry for Pet Spotlight, in hopes than an earless victory would convince my sister the "deformity" was a good thing.


And yeah, she does look like a cat with the helmet off. With it on, she looks like a DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!!! (....sorta.)

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Awww, I think that she's adorable without her earstalks. Weird that the shirt did it!

I would still send in a ticket- perhaps TNT did not intend for the shirt to screw with the helmut. :)

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That looks so strange but also really really adorable XD!


I'm sure TNT's cusomisation department would sort out the glitch if you send in a ticket. I've had some problems before and they've always responded quite quickly :)

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Oh my, and she's a RED Aisha too o_O I better go check my Red Aisha, Hikaru, to see if he still has his earstalks......




No, he does not seem to be affected. Then again, gender might have something to do with it. DarthSpooki is a female Aisha while Hikaru is male.


This reminds me of the time when yellow Kougras (male ones anyway), had their eyes missing. I had to paint KP a different colour just so he could see again!


I would say, report this glitch to TNT. They need to be aware of this issue.

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