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What a boring day... -.-;


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i worked a lot today, so now i'm tired. but i don't feel like going to bed yet since i'm off for the weekend, so i'm spending my time playing Neoquest and keeping an eye on my habi. 20k more exp til level 43 habi.

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Nope, not boring for me! I worked today, came home, had ice cream for supper, and I've been watching Disney movies with my girlfriend all evening. XD It's been awesome for me. :P

Sorry to hear that you've been bored!

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:O You're watching Signs? You must be bored :P


I'm trying not to melt and am looking foreward to sleeping in tomorrow :D Debating getting Iced Tea from downstairs

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Hmm... Boring day as far as life goes. Classes done early, I went for a run, and then basically did not so much for the rest of the day. I didn't resort to watching Signs though :P As far as Neopets is concerned, I got an Icy Snowflake lend and finally got that pesky avatar out of the way! Thanks TDN :)

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