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NC Mall: Tale of Woe Mystery Capsule!


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The dress is so pretty! I bought a few of them (*cough*five*cough*) and all I got was the Nurse Lucy Skeleton and other non-capsule specific items.

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Oooh! This is the first capsul that has items that I really like the look of. :) Good job on this one, TNT.

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The contacts are soo nice!!! I wonder how many people will get them.. I'd like to trade :3


EDIT: Why didn't I read the above post first? *facedesk*

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i have bought 15 of them, i have yet to get the foreground :( although i have 2 spare of the eyes and 1 spare dress :) if you want them just mail me (kitten86uk)


Lucky! Wanted the contacts for my draik. I saw a few people get multiples of the foreground so here's to hoping you find a swap :)


Two other random comments, I watched the gif on your lookup for five minutes and your pet, unknownlocation is brilliant.

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I am not a fan of the new items (that Skeleton made me scream :sick02:, I wish my pets could steal her skirt. I mean, why is she wearing it? She doesn't look fabulous at all! Bimboyi would look great!)


Talking seriously I like the dress, it looks cute but I am not crazy about it.

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