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Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. I've been using the Neopets Dailies website since around the time I began playing Neopets, which was in 2008.


I finally decided to register on the forums today and just wanted to say hi to everyone :)

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Hi there, and welcome! :D -offers cookies- I hope you like it here. ^_^

Serious high fives are in order for liking the Spice Girls. :D They are super awesome.

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Welcome!! I saw on your interests "learning about my Cherokee heritage", actually I think that is really interesting!

I hope you have a great time on here :D

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Welcome to the forums!! I'm Cleo :) I hope to see you around!


Also, I think it's awesome you go to powwows! I have a friend that fancy dances at them all the time and I've always been intrigued by it.

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Hi there, and welcome! :D -offers cookies- I hope you like it here. ^_^

Serious high fives are in order for liking the Spice Girls. :D They are super awesome.


Thanks! The Spice Girls are awesome :)


Hey there, Eden welcome to the forums :)

Hope you enjoy your time here! Wish you the best with the trilogy you're writing!


Thank you :)


Welcome!! I saw on your interests "learning about my Cherokee heritage", actually I think that is really interesting!

I hope you have a great time on here :D


Thanks for the welcome.


I thought I'd add it in because it is a big interest of mine. I didn't grow up on a reservation, or around the culture really, due to the fact my great-grandfather left the reservation with his wife and kids to come to Pennsylvania. My family's heritage has been lost pretty much, but I'm learning and doing what I can to reclaim it.


Welcome to the forums!! I'm Cleo :) I hope to see you around!


Also, I think it's awesome you go to powwows! I have a friend that fancy dances at them all the time and I've always been intrigued by it.


Thanks for the welcome.


Powwows are fun. I don't dance at any, but I'd definitely like to, one day. I'm going to a Powwow this Saturday and I can't wait.


Hi! Welcome to the Daily neopets forums! I hope you like it so far!


Thanks for the welcome. I do like it so far, everyone here seems to be really nice.

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Hello there! I just registered too. =)


Welcome to the forum :)


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How are you? :) I'm kind of having a stupid day but I figured talking to people might help that lol


I'm doing good. Why are you having a stupid day?

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It started with someone saying I could adopt a draik (because I've wanted one since 2002) but then they decided that they couldn't part with it (got my hopes as high as the sky). Now I'm back to square one. Then the plant devil took something from me (because I can't get any kind of great events). Then a whole bunch of RL problems. -.-; It was like Neopia and my life were like "Eh, sucks, girl."

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It started with someone saying I could adopt a draik (because I've wanted one since 2002) but then they decided that they couldn't part with it (got my hopes as high as the sky). Now I'm back to square one. Then the plant devil took something from me (because I can't get any kind of great events). Then a whole bunch of RL problems. -.-; It was like Neopia and my life were like "Eh, sucks, girl."


I'm sorry all that happened. I've had the Pant Devil take items from me before and I've been wanting a Draik too.

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I'm sorry you were silenced. Do you know why they silenced you?


I'm going to get offline for awhile to dye my hair, but I'll be back later. And I added you as a friend on here, I hope you don't mind.

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I don't mind at all. =) I was silenced because I was told to write an application for a pet (she's a beautiful lupe) and I said that my lupe, Kvothe, would like her. They're opposites and really pretty together. I messaged TNT to see if I could become unsilenced. I had to admit to the person I was applying to that TNT took action on me. -.-; This is so stupid.

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Hey there :) I was using TDN for a while before I became a member here as well. Glad you finally decided to join the forums!


Very nice to meet you and welcome :D

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