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Hello everyone! :3 I've been using TDN for a while now for the EXTREMELY helpful avatar checklist and dailies. I'm new to the forums and just thought I'd say hello to you all! I've only just recently gotten back into playing neopets (sadly I had to make a new account because I had lost the password and changed the email address of my original one). I adored neopets as a child and I am enjoying the nostalgia that comes with playing it again.


I've started collecting avatars recently. And I must say... it's not easy D: I have 178 avatars currently and I'm looking to continue in collecting more and more! I have the most trouble on those pesky game avatars *shakes fist*!!!!

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Hello and welcome!! I have to agree with how helpful the TDN site is, I dunno where I'd be without it :laughingsmiley:

That's a shame about having to make a new account, I kind of had to do the same (I picked up a side account from a few years back I made randomly and made it a main and such)


I know how hard the game avatars are, though I've managed to pick up a few of them in time. I despise the random ones more, some of them I have been trying for weeks/months and still nothing. Good luck with your avatar collecting!

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Welcome to the forums! I feel you on game avatar frustration. I think I have a grand total of three at this point :sad02:


I'm relatively new here myself, but I hope to see you around soon! :laughingsmiley:

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Hi there, and welcome to the forums! :D -offers cookies- I hope you like it here!


I so feel you on the game avatar front. :| They're my biggest obstical by FAR.

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Hi Danielle (I might end up calling you Boom - I love your UN c: ) and welcome to TDNF. I'm Erika and I too feel your pain when it comes to game avatars /:

The only one I've found easy so far was Like a Boss and I have Nintendo and Mario Bros to thank for that c;


Anyway, I hope to see you around the boards - Like a Boss a53.gif

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Welcome to TDN Danielle, name's Dave. Totally get you on how helpful TDN's avatar checklist is; one of the main reasons why I joined the TDN forums myself! :D

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Welcome Danielle :) I'm Taz.


Yeah, those game avatars are really annoying. The one that I will never be able to get is the extreme potato counter one :( I just don't get how people do it!


Best of luck with your avatar-collecting and hope to see you around :)

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Hey there :)


You're right about avatar collecting being hard, but it's just as fun :D You'll improve on the game ones for sure, I'm terrible at them but I've managed quite a few. :3


Welcome to the forums!

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