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hello everybody! my name is evan!


i'm new here to tdnforums but have been using tdn for a couple of years now to keep track of my avatars and utilize all of the wonderful guides but i think it's time for me to show my face on the forums! :P not too much about me to say except i've been playing neopets on and off for about ten years now, i love chombies, i enjoy training my battledomer and collecting avatars/stamps/ND cards/trophies.


i hope to meet some new people here to help guide me along trophy collecting and game avatars, along with battledome tips and all of the other good information i'm sure the people here have to share. :)

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Hey Evan :) Welcome to the forums!


You'll definitely meet some peeps that can help you with all that, everyone here is super friendly and helpful ^^

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Nice to meet you. We are in the same boat. =) I've got very littlr experience in the battledome, but for gaming avatars I can only say don't get too frustrated. The games were made to be fun (I think) so have fun with them. Even if you don't get the avatar, you still get some neopoints for playing!


(Also, awww bunny!)

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Hi there, and welcome to the forums! :D -offers cookies- I hope you enjoy yourself here!

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