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Rude Neopians


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Is it just me or are people getting more rude on neopets? I mean, I really didn't think it was possible but people are so rude. I am finally trying to finish my gallery so I am buying those really expensive items that I still need. I sent a message to someone asking if they would accept an offer that is fair (from what research I could find) and I get a flat "no". This is the second person who has had an item on trading post without anything in the wishlist who has responded like that and when I respond back with well what are you wanting then give me a ballpark they never respond. These are HTT items because of the price and that they are high priced grundo items that most people won't buy and when I give you a fair offer you just flat out answer with No. I hope you never sell your stupid item.


*rant over*


ugg Anyone notice this recently or am I just attracting them lately?

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I've also noticed :c Mostly resellers with shameful under offerings in a very rude manner /:

In spirit, I will boycott anything these rudians, ever, try to sell!

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I've noticed it. I've been trying to buy something on the TP with full price, pure offers and just get rejected. Not that they accepted another offer, just rejected. If the price listed in your wishlist isn't what you want for the item then why don't you say what you want instead?

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Luckily, I've rarely come across rude players. One I had a reseller pester me for ever and ever for a lab map piece, but it was more annoying than rude. There's also rude people on KeyQuest from time to time. :( I once played with someone who was breaking the rules and I sent them a friendly neomail instead of reporting them, just in case they weren't aware of the rule, and they were like "until TNT does something about it, I'll keep doing it." Yikes. =/

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Wow... story of my yesterday. I offered on a MP with no listed price anywhere on the interwebs, no price on neo, and had "none" in the wishlist. I offered the average of all the other MPs since they were in the same range. I waited about 10 hours, then got a notification that the lot had been cancelled. Checked the auctions and he was selling it to someone else for a few million more.


I NM'd and informed him that i had the funds to buy the MP for full price, and that letting my offer rot instead of telling me what his price was was rude. He apologized and hopefully, he'll take it as a learning experience and not just let low offers rot all day.


Plus someone got snarky on the PC with me today. Gir.

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I don't play key quest. The first time I played it, I'd just come back from a long hiatus so didn't know anything about it really. I went on it on my laptop in my room which has dodgy internet connection so it glitched out on me, then booted me off but the person I was playing started bombarding me with quite nasty neomails. I tried explaining and apologised but it they were just plain rude, I ended up having to block them and it has put me off playing it to be honest. I do understand now that there is a problem with people quitting out of games because they aren't winning and it's fair enough but I wish people would hold off on flaming folk until they know the facts.

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I don't play key quest. The first time I played it, I'd just come back from a long hiatus so didn't know anything about it really. I went on it on my laptop in my room which has dodgy internet connection so it glitched out on me, then booted me off but the person I was playing started bombarding me with quite nasty neomails. I tried explaining and apologised but it they were just plain rude, I ended up having to block them and it has put me off playing it to be honest. I do understand now that there is a problem with people quitting out of games because they aren't winning and it's fair enough but I wish people would hold off on flaming folk until they know the facts.


You had bad luck and played with an idiot. If it makes you feel less wary about playing key quest, I've played 253 games and only once has someone I've played with neomailed me about game, and that was to apologize for quitting (same issue you had with the game, by the looks of it). Of course I haven't had to quit a game prematurely a whole lot, but still.

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You had bad luck and played with an idiot. If it makes you feel less wary about playing key quest, I've played 253 games and only once has someone I've played with neomailed me about game, and that was to apologize for quitting (same issue you had with the game, by the looks of it). Of course I haven't had to quit a game prematurely a whole lot, but still.


Yeah I think you're right. I'm definitely not a quitter...I'll take any key and be happy with it whether its silver or gold or whatever! Even when its not letting me join in the mini games.. I just sit patiently waiting for them to finish. I think I would play more if my laptop wasn't so unpredictable.

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I don't play key quest. The first time I played it, I'd just come back from a long hiatus so didn't know anything about it really. I went on it on my laptop in my room which has dodgy internet connection so it glitched out on me, then booted me off but the person I was playing started bombarding me with quite nasty neomails. I tried explaining and apologised but it they were just plain rude, I ended up having to block them and it has put me off playing it to be honest. I do understand now that there is a problem with people quitting out of games because they aren't winning and it's fair enough but I wish people would hold off on flaming folk until they know the facts.


There's a Who wants to play Key Quest thread here on TDNF if you'd like to try and play again. There are so many quitters playing KQ, and I think that you get better and better at telling which ones quit on purpose and which ones suffer from dodgy connections.


The KQ boards are always filled with rude people and stories of quitters.

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I don't think you're attracting them at all; rude people can be every where, unfortunately you came across a few there :(

That said,I don't think that's the attitude sellers should have if they ever intend to get their items sold. Last month, I neomailed a seller on the TP about a background, no one on the TP had prices on them and didn't want to inadvertently low-ball them, they never responded but magically put a price up as soon as other sellers put prices on theirs.


I see newbies who ask questions on the Help Boards being handled very rudely, responded to with really sarcastic, know-it-all attitudes; if you are new, how exactly are you to know? Also, the berating of people who don't know something because of their account age, that's so silly. I wonder if these attitudes have something to do with the anonymity of the internet.


I hope you'll find a nice seller who has those items you're looking for! Those guys who ignored you don't deserve your sale at all.

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There's a Who wants to play Key Quest thread here on TDNF if you'd like to try and play again. There are so many quitters playing KQ, and I think that you get better and better at telling which ones quit on purpose and which ones suffer from dodgy connections.


The KQ boards are always filled with rude people and stories of quitters.


Thanks for pointing that out to me. :) I'll definitely give it a go.

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i dont like rude people too but sometimes people can be rude without knowing it.


i was looking for an item the other day and someone was selling it for a 1.75k on the TP. another person was selling it for 200k cheaper. so nm'd the first user, hoping to get a good deal and asked him whether he would be willing to sell for 1.45k. I didn't mean to be rude i was just trying to haggle a good deal, i didnt know that that is considered invasive :sad01_anim:

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Yea, that happens a lot to me. Also, when I am about to win that person justs leaves the game.


That never happened to me. I guess I'm a bit lucky.

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I've had things like that happen to me a few times. I mailed a lady about how she got her Spring Snowbunny as I've been after one for ages, and how much she was asking for it - it was a nice, polite mail. She just replied back with "45 mil", I was like "thanks so much for all the information xD" baha. I don't understand why people cant just be pleasant?


I have also been kind of rude on a couple of occasions, like when someone's been trying to scam me on the auctions. Oh, your Shiny Obsidian for my Golden Nerkmid? Yes please! ¬_¬ I'm not rude rude I just say something like "your account is X amount of years old, you know full well it's not worth that. Do not offer again or I will report you"

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I have also been kind of rude on a couple of occasions, like when someone's been trying to scam me on the auctions. Oh, your Shiny Obsidian for my Golden Nerkmid? Yes please! ¬_¬ I'm not rude rude I just say something like "your account is X amount of years old, you know full well it's not worth that. Do not offer again or I will report you"

Rudeness begets rudeness? :P I think blatant underoffering like that is even more rude than telling someone off for doing it! I know some people just don't know the value of things, but sometimes it's obvious when they're trying to scam you (especially if they're lowballing you and yet they have the same item in the TP for double the amount they're offering you).

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It is official, I am stopping trying to finish my gallery right now. Just offered someone the only amount I have found online and got a response back of "lol". If you want good offers just post what you are looking for. Don't leave all the leg work to the buyer. And even after being completely pissed off I sent a message of


"There is no need to be rude. You didn't have a price on your wishlist and it was the only price I could find on the internet. Good luck selling." Seriously how hard is it to be polite not very...

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