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25k down on Bilge Dice!


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Wow! I can't believe my luck on Bilge Dice at the moment.


I'm currently down 25k and I have trouble letting go of the neopoints. :crying_blow:


It's frustrating because of the luck I'm getting with all my best hands basically being tied and the rate at which the opponents are getting 24 today!


I wouldn't be playing it if it weren't for the lucky streak avatar. The best streak I've gotten so far is 5!


Are there any Bilge Dice players here that have any suggestion besides giving up. :P

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I found myself down 25k several times ... 30k+ two or three times ... and 40k+ once ...


never give up ... take a long break .. like a few hours .. clear your cache .. then play again .. this game is evil and tends to know when you're on a losing streak (or so i believe) ... but really it takes less than 15 minutes to get your money back and win ... I gave up only once when I was down a lot and all i managed to do was get under the -10k mark before midnight NST .. if i had more time I probably would have made my money back ... so yeah , don't play it in the last hour of the day ...


always go for the 1 & 4 first .. even if you had 3 sixes .. take one of the sixes and move on ... find your 1 & 4 .. believe me sometimes you can win with a score of 14 ... but u can never win if u don't get ur 1 & 4

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I've been going for both of the Bilge Dice avatars this week and while I haven't gotten that far down, I'm still really, really frustrated with it. My biggest streak is 3 and I've had 24 a number of times with no avvie. Gah. I would be more frustrated if I were you, though!

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