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So, this is weird?


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I was trying to get that dratted Drackonack to eat his cheese, and using F5 while viewing my inventory. Well, I noticed that I had more items in my inventory according to the number at the top, but every time I view my inventory or quick stock, they don't show up? Nothing is showing up but it says I have two items in my inventory. So weird, anyone else ever had this happen before?

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Mine was actually like that a while ago and at the time I took a screenshot and was going to make a post about it lol. It's back to normal now though. I have no idea why it does that. It's really strange. At the time, even if I had nothing in my inventory it would tell me I had 1 item.

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I'm actually kind of wondering if it has to do with having NC items in your inventory? I think I had one at the time. So even though it said sorry your inventory is empty, I technically had something in it, just in a different section if that makes sense.

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Oh, really? Huh. Some kind of glitch, I guess, then! I'm glad to hear it goes back to normal. I was thinking it might be a good idea to screenshot it as well, but since it goes away I won't bother. Thanks to you both!

Mods, sorry to be so short, but it seems like my question's been answered if you want to close this?

Edit: Ash, I didn't have any NC items in my inventory, unless I mysteriously got some somehow?? Heh.

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I had this happen to me too where my inventory was off by one item. Are you a Premium member? It may be a spot for unused Premium scratchcards that are technically in your inventory but don't actually appear there. My inventory adjusted itself after I used the one scratchcard I had.

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