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Unlucky Main :P

Lady Lyuba

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I notice this: I feed my side account pets at the Soup Kitchen every night, which is a lot of refreshing, and every now and then on any of my sides I get a Random Event or a Faerie Quest - but I NEVER get REs or FQs on my main! (Unless it's a FQ Cookie or the FQ Event in Feb.) And what is also odd is that I have at least two beads on my main's Lutari Talisman and none on any of my sides's. Is my main just unlucky? I mean, I got the Tooth Faerie avatar on TWO sides now but still none on my main and my main is over 8 years old.


I wonder if having my main's home being based in the Haunted Woods has anything to do with it. Oh, and I never got Boochi, either. Ever. Not even on my sides. Now THAT IS lucky. :)


So, do you guys have better luck? Or do you only seem to get the good things on your sides, as well?


I know, I complain too much. :P In fact.......



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For me it's hit and miss. I've always gotten quite a few REs and FQs on my main. But until this week, my best REs (An Aisha Transmog and a Nerkmid) happened on my side account. I only occasionally get FQs on my sides.

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Same with Unquelled with the Random Events thing, I only get a bulk of my random events on my main since I'm the most active on my main account (nervous of getting an NP Random Event on my side). I never got anything really wild on any of my sides yet (like a Nerkmid or a Transmogrification Potion), except for a level increase on one of my pets on one of my side accounts, nothing major besides that. :P

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