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Rubbish Avatar Theory

Bright ^_^

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I have a theory about discarding for the rubbish Avatar. In Moltara, there's almost always worms lying around. When you discard them, you can go right back and pick them up. I wonder if you could use a method like this to get closer towards achieving the rubbish avatar...

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You could do that. I have heard that discarding 70 items at a time helps, but I don't know if you need to discard x number of items, or what.

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They really need to give us a better hint to that avatar's solution :D This nonsense of discarding thousands of items is tiring.

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I feel like it may not be "random", but it's not exactly something that we can figure out. Like, I think that it's different for every player, and that it has to do with the number of items you discard. I've heard that most players get it at around 4-5k items. I myself got it at around 4.3-4.5k items. Then again, some people get it after just a few discards.


It may even be something like the magma pool timer, where it's set for each player. Or maybe it has to do with something else. Either way, I doubt a solution is going to come out for it anytime soon. I was waiting on a solution too but it just didn't seem likely :/


The easiest way to pick up a huge amount of cheap items imo, is to buy the 1-point items from the AC prize shop. I forget what they are this year. I bought last year's which were leftover muffins. (I ended up buying 2k of them, but then I got the avatar before even discarding any xD).

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TNT created this avatar to clear out a lot of the junk. It worked. We're discarding items by (I would think) the billions at this point. They will probably wait until people start slowing down a bit more before giving us another hint.


That's pretty smart!!


I didn't thought about that, but I think your right. I just hope I get it soon.....

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TNT created this avatar to clear out a lot of the junk. It worked. We're discarding items by (I would think) the billions at this point. They will probably wait until people start slowing down a bit more before giving us another hint.

Yeah, that's true...because if they know the solution, then people won't discard as much anymore...Although if they really wanted people to keep discarding, they could have just made the requirements for the avatar discarding x number of items...

Anyway, I don't mind waiting a while for the solution...

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Also, everyone wants to be "the person who solved the rubbish avvie" It's ike with the WW avvie.


I hope it gets solved soon, I want that avvie! XD


I want it too. I'll just discard things and I hope I get it soon, but I can wait....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought it would be either of the following:

  1. Discard x items at once.
  2. Discard x item in total.
  3. Discard x value of items total.

But as pointed out TNT have said there is a specific way of obtaining the avatar.


Does anyone have the link to the hint given by TNT?

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I'm glad I discovered KeyQuest a few days ago. It's giving me a ton of useless stuff to discard. I did accidentally get too click happy and throw out two codestones though. lol


Throwing out x items at once would be a pretty easy solution since you can only have 70 items on the quick stock page. I can personally say that throwing out 70+ items one by one through quick stock...didn't get me any closer to the avvy. All it did was lead me to discard a bunch of time I could have spent else where.

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I bought thousands of 1np items from user shops (around 4k methinks- broken fishing rod, rotting driftwood etc), put them all in my inventory and quick stock discarded. I got it in a day! It's mad easy, just get hoarding/discarding ^^

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  • 4 months later...

You know, I never thought of that one while I was working on mine - would have saved me some coins! I lost exact count, sadly, but I know it was over 5000 and under 6000 when I finally got it.


You discarded 5000-6000 items at the same time or over a period of time?

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Does it have something to do with the "hour" / "time" or "season"?


Like you ll get the avvie if you discard at the specific time.


I ll give this avie a shot by purchasing 5k of junk items, put them in SDB, then transfer them into inventory. Then I ll just quickly discard all of them at the same time.


If it works, I ll let you guys know. Wait for me

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Did anyone with the avatar notice a certain item set it off? I'm afraid of trying to discard 5,000 cheap items only to discover you have to discard a certain item or combination of items.


I'll take notes as I work towards it.

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Does it have something to do with the "hour" / "time" or "season"?


Like you ll get the avvie if you discard at the specific time.


I ll give this avie a shot by purchasing 5k of junk items, put them in SDB, then transfer them into inventory. Then I ll just quickly discard all of them at the same time.


If it works, I ll let you guys know. Wait for me


I read about someone who tried doing it like that, and it took ages for the page to load with all those items, so I think that this is a rather cumbersome way to do it. But give it a try, if you want. It's not like I'm an authority on the matter, as I don't have the avatar yet :P

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