Emily Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily). Helllloooooo Neopia, and welcome back to another edition of Whose Petpet is it Anyway! Wait what? It's time for Cup coverage? Shoot. I... meant petpet as... a metaphor... for team. And the rest as an... umm... Ack. Anyway, on to the results from day twelve! In a disturbing occurrence of deja vu, The Kreludor Moons swept the Altador Suns for the second time this season. Maybe it's the whole space thing? Night, day... moon, sun... Point being, these two teams cannot seem to co-exist, and Kreludor has come out on top so far. Brightvale seemed to have learnt a thing or two from their last meeting with Haunted Woods only three short days before yesterday's match. They hung onto their Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown wins, and upped their skill to draw in Slushie Slinger. However, Haunted Woods still dominated Make Some Noise, a game they have been fairly inconsistent with this season, but always fare well in against the Brightvalians. <img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/acs_darigan_poster.gif" alt="Darigan poster" style="float:left;margin:5px;"> <img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/acs_virtupets_pompoms.gif" alt="poms" style="float:right;margin:5px;"> Another team that has improved against an old enemy is Darigan Citadel. They pulled off a perfect sweep against Virtupets, overcoming their Make Some Noise defeat when the two teams first met on the fourth day of the tournament. The loss is only a minor setback for Virtupets, as last year's champions still have their best matches ahead of them. And now, we're going to Lydia on the lawn of the Yooyuball field with some more results! "Thanks, Emily! And, to answer your first question, it's always Snarkie's petpet. Always. I'm over here with the Minitheus bracket! It went about how people expected it to go. Moltara, unfortunately, got swept by Maraqua, and Faerieland barely avoided the same fate against Tyrannia, barely holding it off with a Shootout Showdown draw. Both Moltara and Faerieland were the weaker teams in their respective matchups. The match between Kiko Lake and Mystery Island was by far the most interesting match in the bracket, with two formidable teams up against one another. While the Natives were able to take Yooyuball from the Kikos - after losing it for the first time this year to the Dinos - they were unable to take anything else. It will be interesting to watch the upcoming games to see if this marks a change in strategy for either team. Anyway, I'm off to go hunt down somewhere to sleep. Back to you, Emily!" <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2012/freebies/msnicons/micon_meridell.gif" alt="Meridell Techo" style="float:left;margin:5px;"> Thanks Lydia! Stay away from the locker rooms! They don't smell so great...Moving on to a powerhouse match between Krawk Island and Meridell, the Pirates could not slow the momentum of the Knights. Though they disturbed Meridell's perfect bracket record, Krawk Island only narrowly avoided a sweep with a draw in Shootout Showdown. In the third pairing of Terror Mountain and Lost Desert, the Mummies held on to their perfect Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger record against the Chillers. Make Some Noise came in as a very tight draw, while the Chillers dominated Shootout Showdown, a game they have been doing well in throughout the competition. Roo Island also improved their fortunes yesterday. In another rematch with Shenkuu, the Rooligans added another Make Some Noise win, their best sport this year, while the Ninjas owned Shootout Showdown and the teams drew both Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger. As the brackets were shaken up again today, fans are beginning to see just how random the groupings actually are. In the Minitheus bracket, Lost Desert will be facing Altador for the first time, while Moltara will be facing Virtupets and Tyrannia will be battling Brightvale, the second showing of both matches. <img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/coi_mystery.gif" alt="coin" style="float:left;margin:5px;"> In the slightly re-vamped Alabriss bracket, Terror Mountain and Mystery Island, along with Krawk Island and Faerieland bring us two more second-time matchups while heavy-hitters Meridell and Kiko Lake fight it out for the third time. Last but not least, over in the Vaeolus bracket, we have the last two second matches between Haunted Woods and Roo Island and Maraqua and Darigan, with one more fresh, never-before-seen pairing between Kreludor and Shenkuu. With new brackets come new challenges. Though many of the teams have encountered each other before, they have all been honing their skills. It will be interesting to see if results repeat. For now, I really need to go do laundry. Shootout Showdown has left some killer grass stains. For now, this is Emily from The Daily Neopets with exclusive coverage from Altador Cup VII. Lydia Trebond, Mouseykins and Spritzie 3
pipdoubledip Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 heavy-hitters Meridell and Kiko Lake fight it out for the first time. Don't you mean third time ;) Definitely not a match up we want to relive :P The bracket this time around is tough, 4 of the top 6 ranked teams are in it! MI will pose another challenge, KI could be difficult to beat and Meridell have gained a lot of momentum... I find it interesting that after our first day win against the Knights they have picked right up again and will probably be our toughest competitors again this time round. The Vaelous bracket is a tough bracket too - Kreludor, DC, MQ are all capable teams this year and HW has the potential to further add some competition to the mix. The Minitheus bracket is a little bit lighter going with 3 middle ranked teams and 3 lower ranked teams. It will be interesting to see how this round plays out!
Azeruth Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Maraqua maintained 3rd over Tyrannia? Well, daily results clearly don't matter, it's apparently total combined score and ratios I guess. Which is terrible. Winning no longer matters, it's better to win but it doesn't mean much except for pride.
voteforpedro333 Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 I'm really excited that Lost Desert is playing all new teams this bracket, looks like my complaints have been well received. It's also weird to see that we're the highest ranked point-wise in our brackets. It's invigorating!
antiaircraft Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 heavy-hitters Meridell and Kiko Lake fight it out for the first time. Don't you mean third time ;) Good catch! Thanks for pointing this out, the error's been fixed.
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