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Staff Tournament Round 1 Results


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DJ Skellington - 153

Comastar - 1160

El Picklesaur - 146

Undutchable - 171

Senormalo - 303


Total - 1933


Eh, not bad, could've done better.

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I am amazing at picking teams. Holy crap! <3



Brightvale: 1160

Maraqua: 434

Shenkuu: 290

Merridell: 829

Roo Island: 1080


First round: 3793




Brightvale: 1285

Maraqua: 1232

Shenkuu: 580

Merridell: 1049

Roo Island: 1157


Second Round: 5303

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Okay... so that's... times 4... carry the 7... ah! Given your chosen team's performance, you've earned yourself 2879 Neopoints!



Cool. I got a total of 5758 this week. Much better than last week!

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Okay... so that's... times 4... carry the 7... ah! Given your chosen team's performance, you've earned yourself 2651 Neopoints!


5303 also. Gonna swap out a player and see how everyone does next week.

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3382 points for me this round. Contemplating picking Señor Malo over Socktastic. He did better in this round, but Socktastic did good in both rounds.Was Señor Malo's success this round a fluke? That is the question.

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Here's my Round 3 results:


Okay... so that's... times 4... carry the 7... ah! Given your chosen team's performance, you've earned yourself 2445 Neopoints!


Total score: 4890

Overall score: 11190

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Okay... so that's... times 4... carry the 7... ah! Given your chosen team's performance, you've earned yourself 3253 Neopoints!


Overall total: 15603. Not too bad. Not as good as last year still.

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