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Hi, my name's Jen and I'm an NC Mall addict...

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I blame it on the trauma I went through earlier this morning, when I'm stressed or in pain, I shop... Or game.. Or both.. Which is why I love Neopets so much, but I kinda went a little nuts today :P BUT I GOT SOME REALLY COOL SHTUFF!!! And of course I COULDN'T wait until next week when I will be showered with cash cards for my birthday because OMG they're retiring a whole bunch of stuff and I just HAD to get in on it NOW cause they're retiring it on the 3rd and my birthday's not until the 6th!!! It's a plot by TNT, it has to be, cause if it's not, then, well, it must be me and we can't have that :D I need to sleep........... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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You should rest, and I have the habit of doing the exact same thing.

My fiance is a penny pincher while I can never hang onto money.

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i actually bought NC for the first time last week to buy a faerie quest cookie. i never really paid attention to all the NC stuff available before. i can see how it could get addicting.

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I know, thank goodness I don't own a credit card, Neopets and Webkinz would make a MINT off me, LOL!!! I DID get some rest and I'm much better today; sanity has returned :P

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I had this same problem when NC cards were just a walk away from me xD Now, though, I try and be practical about what I spend my NC on since I have to pay for them through my card >_<


But admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery! :P

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escape while you can!


i try to be more careful with NC now, but its so hard when you can't find items to just throw NC at it. customs are still popular enough that i can find stuff if i do that. also TNT keep coming out with pretty things. :( and i'm trying to find NC foods which is turning to be impossible to find for the last few,


but i'm trying not to resort to buying NC.. T_T


and *hug* Happy Birthday for the 6th! ^_^ its exam time so i might miss it :P hope you have a fabulous one :)

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I know how you feel. Last summer I came off hiatus after like 3 years and I was like "Ok, I will spend 10 dollars and then I'll be done!" Yeah.... right... like 40 dollars later (not counting the NC cards I bought for my sister and fiance). It is sooo addicting. Because I spend so much time on Neopets to rack up neopoints and with NC you can get awesome stuff for like a dollar... it seems so innocent... Oh well, it makes me happy :)

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Well, she's right, it could be worse :P I just hate how quick it gets used up (or is that just me, LOL!!!) I can't wait for next week!!!!!

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