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March Break

The Big Cheese

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The wonderful week known as March Break is almost here :) WHat are your plans for it? What are you going to do? When is Beta testing going to start? And many more questions :P

I myself am probably not going to do much... passible sleep, maybe some walking, and a bit of free falling.

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I'm currently on my "Spring Break" only get 2 days off from school. :( But I hope beta will start today, so that I can have a long weekend to test, next week is going to be a busy week at school.

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My break isn't until week 14, and it's not even called March Break :ohno:

Anyway, I get one week off of school, it's called Easter Break and I'll probably be clubbing, watching first season of OC and, if I'm REALLY ambitious I will try to do some late school work, I really need to. :graduated:

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Me, im going to play PS2, talk to you guys, be lazy and get new shoes! Best of all im not doing work! Im putting it off till the last two days of the break. AND my birthday is on the 13th of March! I just love March!

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err yes, ttheyare states. if we wish to exclude them we woudl say the 'continental united states'

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