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It's horrible to keep reading the posts on here that say "I've been hacked". It seems to be happening more and more, but TNT, bless them, provide us with all the tools to make our accounts pretty much useless to hackers if you know where to find them. So if you take the time to read this, take an extra minute to secure your stuff. It won't stop hackers but it will make your account pretty much useless to them.

Be logged in to your neopets account.

Password. http://www.neopets.com/userinfo.phtml

Use something long, uncle fred's and great aunt mary's birth dates and string them together to make one long number. Have a post it or word doc to write it down and while you're on this page make a note of your date of birth if it isn't your real one(as if you would lie).


Now lock everything with a pin, http://www.neopets.com/pin_prefs.phtml

if a hacker can't move any of your stuff they can do very little damage.It's a pain in the butt having to type your pin every time you want to move things but it's worth the hassle. again write it on your word doc.


Lastly go here. http://www.neopets.c...eferences.phtml

and check the box marked Login Birthday Prompt

it will mean that if anyone tries to use your account from a computer that is not your usual one they will need your date of birth(you wrote it on a word doc in case you forget).


Also do this for any sides you have.





OK, as my lovely friends below pointed out use an active email account, Change that here; http://www.neopets.com/email_change.phtml


These are great advices. I had all this, but I still got hacked through email. They changed the email address to theirs and then changed the password, PIN .. I couldn't do anything.


Always use a different and unique password for each account and website you use in general. Use a mix of upper case, lower case, symbols and numbers.


Make your passwords hard for people to guess and hack. I'm not sure if bots can still be used to help crack a password but I do know if you use upper case, lower case, numbers, and symbols in your password it's harder for these bots to guess and less likely for you to get hacked.


Never been hacked but I'm always super paranoid about this D: *goes to change everything*


Good advice ^^


All good advice. I would recommend using a gmail email address equipped with 2-step verification - that way if they want to hack your email they'll need your mobile phone as well.

This seems to be the best kind of mail to use. I'm going to change mine i think.

This is quite interesting if you have a spare minute to read it; http://www.neopets.com/~Rei


This seems to be the best kind of mail to use. I'm going to change mine i think.

This is quite interesting if you have a spare minute to read it; http://www.neopets.com/~Rei


Now I do have that, before I used an email that can only be acessed through my computers Outlook. I guess I was wrong. Had it under password and all too..


This is very good advice. I did not know about the birthday login prompt. I'm off to set that up now!


Thank you for taking the time to put this together :)


I use TDN's secure password generator for my passwords! Also, I have 2-step on my google account along with the birthday prompt.I've also got a pages (mac version of word) document on my comp with all the info I need to get back my account if I ever lose it, along with anti-virus software that checks my computer every day.

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