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My random event today was my awesome Halloween Kougra, my first pet, turned invisible. Looks like even though I just hit 5mil in the bank, I will be spending over 1mil to fix this... Now I'm depressed. Thanks TNT. For NOTHING on my Birthday!


I'm so sorry. Is there an item that you can prevent that? Cause I want to paint one of my pets pink and I will be very mad if it turns invisible.


i'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so sorry to hear this :(


we all learn from our mistakes though , so hopefully next time u keep your lab pet or your cheapest painted pet active ...


and here's hoping Dr Sloth will give you a Trans potion and you'll find a truckload of paint brushes , nerkmids and lab maps :)


yea ever since I got my lupe island i never use him as my active... too paranoid


sorry about your pet :/ i didn't get any extra events or anything really on my birthday this year


I'm sorry to hear! Maybe wait a little bit before painting your Kougra back? xD Or now maybe an awesome opportunity to your Kougra something else to get some nifty extra clothing before transforming them back to Halloween?




And I'm so sorry. :(


It was your birthday yesterday? I didn't know until now.

Invisible REs are the worst in my opinion, my Kiko was turned Invisible last year by that Random Event. Just put a cheaply-painted pet as your active so your more expensively-painted pets don't get turned Invisble or into a Baby.


Wow, that's sad. :(


TNT has a way of doing that, I have to be super careful not to keep my most expensive pet and learned my lesson when I got a message saying 'Your pet is feeling blue'. Next thing I know my Faerie Poogle has turned blue!


It really sux that they can mess with your favourite pets like that. :(


Hope next birthday goes better. :)


That's just horrible, TNT is really mean for making such a RE and such a stupid colour...


I hope you'll be able to restore everything. And i also hope you'll get tons of great RE's, not just now but forever, 'cause that's just awesome :)


Thanks for the support guys! And thank you for the Birthday wishes! I'm pretty sure I Painted Zerocinq way back when paintbrushes were like 3k. lol I don't have a lab pet. All my pets are pretty expensively done and I wouldn't have it any other way. They are just how I want them. Last night I just shut my lap top and went to bed. Feeling a lot better about it this morning. Just time to buck up and start saving! :-)


Aw hun I'm sorry this happened :( I ended up having to adopt out my Mutant Kau because of that stupid RE and not being able to afford a paint ¬_¬


Hopefully you'll get the monies together for another PB soon. Play Test Yours Strength as much as you can; my boyfriend won a Hallo PB from there a few months ago. ^_^


P.S Happy belated birthday!


Soooooooo sad for you. *sends hugs* It was a horibble thing to do to you on your birthday. Are you going to paint him back the same colour or might you fancy a change?


Ugh, I'm so sorry! I hope the rest of your birthday was better though!



TNT should really have some kind of cake and goodie bag giving thing for birthdays.

Wow,though.On your birthday? Well,It's gone,and I forgot to give you cake.Erm,here it is.

*Hands cake*


^_^ Mimitchi


Thanks again everyone for the support! I am going to save up and paint her Halloween again. I went to the Rainbow Pool and looked at some other colors but I really like that Halloween. :-)


Aww, it's such a shame that TNT did that... But i guess it's different for everyone? I remember when i was rather poor i had finally saved up to paint my aisha cloud. About a week later Boochi had turned her baby as a random event! I was quite disappointed because of how hard i worked for the cloud pain brush, but baby was quite a good look for her too. Good luck with saving up =)


Ouch. I hope that doesn't happen on my birthday, it's comming up soon! At least two of my pets are basic collors (yellow and blue) so I've got the brushes for those. But I've got a magma pet, and I'd have to wait a whole day to re access the magma pool ( I only know my am time). Plus I've got a red lutari, and I don't want to have to go and buy a red paintbursh because of that.

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