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What do you collect?


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Hiya guys!

I may be new to the site but I have been using neopets for nearly 8 years!

I have collected many things over the years!


I collect:


Plushies (which are in my gallery!)

Collectable Cards

Stamps (In album)



What do you collect?


I also have over 2000 items in my SDB! If you have anything you wish to find let me know! :)


Have a good day :)

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I collect chocolates and chocolate-based items in my gallery.

I don't mind collecting avatars either when it comes to collecting something on Neopets.

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I collect plushies too! I also collect books (for my 'smart' pet) and collect and hoard Neopoints like a Neopoint scrooge.


However, I don't feel like I've really committed hardcore to any of my collections because the cost of having the 'perfect collection' of anything is daunting. I'd rather just be well-rounded haha.

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I collect fishing items (gallery), books for Mneryth, and avatars. :)

And NP, I suppose! It pains me to withdraw anything from my bank account. XD

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I hate giving up my NPs too! But sometimes it's just gotta be done! :D

Heh, isn't that the truth! What's the point otherwise, eh? :)

What I usually do now, if I spend my NP, is just using what I make that day -- easy now that I have Habi going for most of the day! :) That way I always have my principal in my bank account to keep accumulating interest. :D

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What don't I collect?


My biggest collection is petpets.


I also collect snowglobes/faerie snowglobes, faerie items, stamps, bottles of sand, items that match my main pet species (Shoyru, Kougra, Lupe, Jubjub, Draik) Kookith related items, plushies.


I can't think of anything else, specifically now. But if something is cute, I'll collect it.

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I'm collecting junk... for the SDB avatar. I could get way more things if I bought them, but I'm in no hurry. I'm at 730 atm, thanks to dailys mostly. The hardest part is keeping track of the things I already have and what I don't have.


Other than that, I'm hoping to make a Biscuit themed gallery (purely because of the name I use on here and Neopets). Of course, it's not open yet as those items are tucked away in my SDB. ;)


[Edit] I forgot, but I do like keeping hold of cute petpets and plushies... but I don't think I have enough of either for it to be a collection yet.

Edited by CrazyBiscuit
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I collect Jhudora items in my gallery, and I've just decided to make a Dragon/Draik gallery on my side ^_^


Other than that it's the usual avatars, stamps and collectable cards :) Ooh- and books for Ellos to read/training Organs :D

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I'm still rather new to Neopets, but I've been considering a collection of books or plushies. And the avatars too, maybe...


There are just so many at this point, I don't know...

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