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I had Rutu and Shenkuu and it was the right answer. I don't think I got a prize or anything though.


I got it correct! :woot:


And got these prizes:


Sinsis Puzzle Book

Math Puzzles

Hubrids Puzzle Box Stamp

Brightvales Brightest

Nighttime in Brightvale Background


You've got to click on "SEE ZAIRA" and click on "VIEW PRIZES" to obtain yours. Please post what you got here! :laughingsmiley:

I'm pretty happy with the prizes, though. 3 of them are books :rock: But that's just me. 'til the next puzzle!


I entered in my answer like 2 days ago and got it right and only got :


Sinsis Puzzle Book bvb_brightvales_brightest.gif

Brightvales Brightest bg_nightcity.gif

Nighttime in Brightvale Background


interestingly it was pointed out on the neoboards that none of these prizes are "new" they are already existing items :)


i changed mine at the last moment, originally had Selvin/Altador, so i got the sinsi book and the background. :) bought myself the other book :)


and looks like tomorrow we get another puzzle! :D


edit: if you got it wrong, the prize is apparently just the sinsi book. so at least everyone gets something :)


Also got Sinsis Puzzle Book, Brightvales Brightest and Nighttime in Brightvale Background. I'm happiest with the Background, actually, so now I can change up my pets, uh, scenery!


Can't wait to see what tomorrow's puzzle brings though. Maybe more logic?


I got it right. :) these are my prizes.


bvb_brightvales_brightest.gifSinsis Puzzle Book usuki_nerd.gif

Clever Clogs Usuki boo_math_puzzles.gif

Math Puzzles sta_bd_puzzlebox.gif

Hubrids Puzzle Box Stamp

Brightvales Brightest bg_nightcity.gif

Nighttime in Brightvale Background


You got it right!


The solution you submitted after reading the entry on day 4, that the mysterious Negg from the journal was a Clockwork Negg and taken to Shenkuu by Rutu for its protection, was correct! For correctly solving this mystery, you have earned:


boo_sinsipuzzles.gifSinsis Puzzle Bookusuki_nerd.gifClever Clogs Usuki boo_math_puzzles.gifMath Puzzles sta_bd_puzzlebox.gifHubrids Puzzle Box Stamp

bvb_brightvales_brightest.gifBrightvales Brightest bg_nightcity.gifNighttime in Brightvale Background



So looks like sticking with my gut feeling on this one paid off... sweeeeet


what was the final answer ??? can someone please tell me where I went wrong ??


D'oh! And you were sooo close, too...


Alas, the solution that you submitted, which claimed the Clockwork Negg from the journal was taken by Voughn to Altador for its protection, was not correct.


I ended up also getting the these prizes for correctly guessing Shenkuu to Rutu. Glad I got them, thanks for all the tips everyone! :D



Sinsis Puzzle Book



Brightvales Brightest



Nighttime in Brightvale Background


what was the final answer ??? can someone please tell me where I went wrong ??


D'oh! And you were sooo close, too...


Alas, the solution that you submitted, which claimed the Clockwork Negg from the journal was taken by Voughn to Altador for its protection, was not correct.


Aw, maybe we can get the next puzzle thing right ^^


ok now I feel very very very stupider !!!!


because I thought u have to guess where did every one go ... and I guessed all of them like this


Rutu - Shenkuu (which was the FIRST guess I put in withing the first 5 minutes of solving tab activation)


and then I guessed the others .. like Ricky - Lost Desert etc etc and apparently they only wanted one guess of one person !!!! and it registered the last guess I put which was Vaughn !!!


I really want to kick myself hard !!!!


Just a reminder to everyone that we had a guie up with a chart for solving the puzzle and, as of Monday night/ tuesday morning, were able to confirm the right answer. Heads up for future events like this.


I was really hoping for the CW negg as a prize. I was kind of bummed that none of the prizes were unique to the event.


I thought it was Ricky in LD for ages, then changed my answer to Rutu - Shenkuu a couple of days ago. I got three prizes. Rather disappointing to be honest.


"The better the prizes will be" obviously just meant "the more rubbish you will receive".


I got three items as well, I changed my answer after Ricky was ruled out.

While I'm glad that there were no new items, seeing as I didn't guess right from the beginning, it definitely sucks for those who guessed right on the first day! Maybe there will be better prizes for the next puzzle??


I guessed right from the start and stuck with it. It was hard though, seeing all these people so convinced of their theories made me want to change a couple times but I didn't... and I'm GLAD about it too!


I like the prizes, especially the background. But remember this is only part one of three! If we are to get the clockwork negg (which i actually expect) that wont be until all three parts are done. I think we will have to go get the negg and fight someone for part 2 and 3 :) So the CWN could very well be a prize. Also, I highly expect the person that downed the elixir to make another appearance tomorrow. They might even be the person sabotaging the rest :D

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