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Hi, I'm new also.


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I'm not sure, as I've never lended through TDN but if you go here to ask: http://www.tdnforums...c/3375-the-alp/

You'll probably get an answer there! Or maybe someone that knows the answer will happen in here. *crosses fingers*


And if you haven't already checked out the ALP information, you can do so here! http://alp.thedailyneopets.com/


This is me trying to be helpful but failing miserably, lol!


And not a problem! I love meeting new people. =D I hope you enjoy it here!

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I don't work for TDN's Avatar Lending Program, but I'm here to welcome you to this site anyway.


I am the King of Pluto Neomysterion, and I work over at TDN as a forum mod. I'm on here for about 16 to 18 hours a day. If you need anything, let me or another staff member know and we'll be honoured to be of your assistance. :)

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Thanks-Easter Neomysterion. I will keep you in mind! :)


HI, lovey. I neomailed you. Please get back to me :)



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Please don't double post. If you would like to add something, use the 'Edit' button.

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Yes, awesome. I just want to be safe. Thanks! :yes:


Lovey, you are AWESOME! Thank you soooo much for Meowy! :thumbsup:



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No double posting. Edit your post if you'd like to add something.

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Sorry about the double posts. I read the rules, It won't happen again. :sad01_anim:

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