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awesome sauce opportunity of a lifetime not funny


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I knew it was awesome first when I saw the news, so I just laughed. I told my daughter that she should read the news :( she didn't realize that it was a opportunity of a lifetime, panicked, striped one of her pets and tried to pound it before I could tell her it was a opportunity of a lifetime. :( now she's crying because she removed an petpet she was aging before trying to pound, and now she has to start over. Does anyone know if TNT will fix it back to aged again when they reverse the rest of the jokes? At first I thought the opportunity of a lifetime was funny since nobody could actually pound their pet, but now I don't.

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I was reassured when I saw that you couldn't actually pound a pet...I figured that it was harmless. I didn't even think about petpets :-( I can tell you, I am certain TNT will NOT fix it. They didn't think this part through, but there's no way to fix it now.


I'm sorry. Which petpet was it that she was trying to age?

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A Huggy, luckily I have one that is almost aged that I can lend her. She'll be OK, but what about the others that don't have family or friends to help. I'm just glad it wasn't my older daughters snow bunny that she has been aging for 9 months. I don't have one of those to lend her.

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I would offer to lend, but I just got rid of my huggy after getting the avatar a few weeks ago >_<


It couldn't hurt to send in a ticket. Although, by the time they answer, the Huggy may very well be fully aged xD


I didn't much care for this opportunity of a lifetime, to be honest. It seemed a bit dark for neopets :/ At least you have one you can lend her.


EDIT: Ahahah, I see what you did there! :ph34r:

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