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Yay! I climbed Mt Kosciusko!


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Today I am very exhausted and very very happy to, I climbed Mt Kosciusko with a few friends on the weekend. It is Australia's highest mountain and one of the 7 summits (the highest mountain of each continent). Climbing mt kosciusko has been a major goal for me for a long time and I'm so happy I made it. It is a big step in my young and rather unsuccessful mountaineering career XD

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Thanks everyone :) The mountain is only 2228m and actually very easy to climb (I've done higher and more difficult in the past). It is, however, one of the most famous ones i've done so far. (My most famous mountain is probably Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa).


wow congratulations! ^_^ and hopefully it was nice weather for you too, i think the weather in Australia.. it doesn't know its supposed to be summer :P


are you going to make it a goal to climb all 7 summits?


The weather was FREEEEEEEZY up here, around 0 degrees. It was very foggy, too, so no nice sights etc. It was a pretty awesome experience nonetheless :)


I'm definitely NOT going to do all 7 summits. The ones in North and South America are brutal (BRUTAL!) climbs, no way. I do want to climb Kilimanjaro in Africa and I hope to climb up to Everest base camp at 5364m but definitely NOT the summit of Everest, that is way beyond my physical capabilities.

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