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Which site event that occurs yearly do you love and feel the need to participate every year (and look forward to)? For me, there are two. One is the Altador Cup - it's not gotten old for me yet and I'm pretty good at most of the games (I was EXCELLENT at Old Yooyuball where I had scores of 15-0! :D). And each year I resolve for my team to do well, and I hope this year will be Maraqua's year.


My other favourite is the Faerie Quests in February. I'm still not sure if this will be a pernament site event but it's very enjoyable - the excitement of what faerie you'll get each day, as long as it isn't Delina. XD


I love all the site events, except the AC, and look forward to participating in all of them. I'd say GMC might be my favorite, though DD is close to 2nd.


I still participate in the AC, but for me, it's a bit over-whelming. It's long term, and to get higher ranks, takes a lot of time each day. I usually go crazy in the beginning, and then have to force myself to keep it up as time goes on. Plus, the games are pretty wrist intensive which isn't good for me, since there's so much playing to be done.


I've come to hate the Daily Dare lately. I haven't the patience or tolerance for constant failure at beating AAA's scores. Some are easy but some are impossible and I just get fed up with it easily and get enraged. I used to like Meerca Chase II before this. I don't want to participate next year. I love the prizes, but it just puts me under too much pressure. And often games I've never played before get selected and I have to challenge Abigail who has inferior prizes. NEVER. AGAIN.


Maybe I'm one of the few who still likes the AC. Though, maybe I'm more in it for the teams, cheering them on, fanart, and the news here at TDN (and team songs) than playing too many games, after all, honestly how can one get All Star rank unless you do nothing but play all day for several weeks straight? I'm just one of those with team spirit. :D


I like Daily Dare. Sadly, this year I didn't have the time to try for AAA, so I mostly chose Abigail (except for the really easy challenges). I like most of the events, but my least favourite is AC. So time consuming ..


I love the advert calender. Horray for free prizes for a month. Next would be the DD and GMC. Because they both are very similar I will say they are tied. I hate the AC now. You have to play for hours and hours and hours to get any of the good shields and at the end i never feel like i get back all that time. Also playing only 4 games for an entire month constantly gets boring. That entire event is just so frustrating.


Annually I'd have to say the faerie quests. However on a 2 year term my favorite thing by far is battle plots. They happen in ~2 year terms. Last one was TFR in early 2011 and 2 years before that the return of sloth. Hopefully this means a plot for around later 2012/early 2013. :D


I have to agree that the Advent Calendar is my favorite yearly event. Neopets and Christmas have gone together for me since I started playing. I used to sneak down to the computer and play until four in the morning when I was on break. xD ah memories


I love plots! Daily dare was fun,too, this year was my first (shame on me!). I've never played the Altador Cup (shame on me!).


Well consider this year your first AC too! It's never too late to try!


My first was the 3rd year. ;) And team spirit can be far more fun than the games. They get tedious and boring after a while, but you can still support your team! :)


I love new plots almost as much as I enjoy the AC. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to participate in many of the site events until recently. I really enjoy the atmosphere at the neoboards during the AC. It is especially heart-warming and motivating to see all my team mates coming together especially when our team is up against a particularly strong opponent. The only grouse I have against the AC is that I am not very good at YYB, so many mind-numbing hours were spent slinging slushies. I refuse to play MSN because I have this impression that the incessant tapping would ruin my laptop haha!


Plus, the games are pretty wrist intensive which isn't good for me, since there's so much playing to be done.


I agree 100%! The intensive game play during the AC does get to be too much on the wrist esp. when you have permanent injuries. I still participate and actually did more last year than any other year.


All in all I love all the events and look forward to each of them.


I like all site events that give me a nice new trophy for my lookup xD But my favourites really are GMC & DD. I can't do Altador Cup too much simply because I haven't got that time to devote to Neopets every day, so I settle for my little participation bit of playing Make Some Noise a few times a day :P I do love the Faerie Quest Event, and I'll love it more if they do it yearly.


I liked the Faerie Quest Event and the Advent Calendar.


This was my first DD. I'm proud of my new trophy and glad I tried the event, but it got pretty stressful at times, so I guess I didn't love it. I think I'll definitely try for another trophy next year... who knows? Maybe the Y15 Gold trophy has my name on it.


I've never done the AC before, but I don't really like the idea of playing one game for hours (unless it's REALLY fun). Even so, I think I'd enjoy all the team spirit.


I like most site events. I loved The Faerie's Ruin (which was my first plot) and I anxiously await the next plot. I also like Daily Dare and GMC - they can get a bit frustrating but overall I like the challenge. The Faerie Quest Event and the Advent Calendar are definite highlights as well. My least favourite is probably the AC - last year was my first but I just found playing all those games a bit tedious and repetitive.


I like just about all of them that DON'T run while I'm away on holidays! Because then I usually have no internet access and when I come back, it's over or I have to catch up like crazy :P


I'm more into the AC though. I'll get all hyper happy for it in the beginning but then it starts to drain me since it does get a bit overwhelming xD


Advent Calender is definitely my favorite. I love DD and GMC but I enjoy the Altador Cup just because last year was the first year I realized what I needed to do to rank up. So, I'll definitely be playing like crazy this year. :thumbsup:


I love anything to do with games. :D Daily Faerie Quests are kind of meh to me, but the GMC and the DD are the best! AC is also pretty fun, but more so for the team spirit than the actual games.


I think the AC is probably my favourite overall ^_^. I have a bit of a love/hate thing with the Faerie Quest event XD I doubt I'll ever get a FFQ from there lol.

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