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I certainly did. I should have piced Abigail for Kou-Jong. I thought I could beat AAA but it turns out to be impossible. I can't get past the final round on Medium level, the only time I did I STILL got a score lower than AAA, and the Hard level is just plain imporrible. Not to mention it makes my browser freeze.




I made a stupid mistake.


we all make mistakes :) but now you learned from this mistake :)


i personally always beat the required score before i choose my challenger .. in my opinion it's the best plan .. and TNT made it easier by putting the "Challenge AAA or Abi" buttons right next to the game challenge in the game room :)


don't worry though , you'll still get Abi's prize if you beat her score and still challenged AAA (as Linsta mentioned earlier) :)




I do the same as Angelo to be sure I'll be able to make the score, even if I reckon I can do it. Almost messed up on he first day though and didn't do that.


You've still got a lil while though, keep trying :) (maybe on a different browser?)


I only follow Angelo and Saxen's method if I don't have a score to compare to the current one. I don't know why, but I'm impatient when it comes to accepting the scores.

If my high score already beats AAA's, I accept immediately. If it almost matches, I accept it and push myself, looking up game guides and stuff to force myself to get the score. I've had to do that a couple of times. If I don't have a score at all — or if it's so low that I know I just played it for Top Gamer — I try it and accept after I get the score.


I'm complicated, I know, but it's my own weird little method.


I also follow the above methods- every single time. Sometimes I play the game once and get Abigails score and decide that I really didn't like the game so I'm not going to bother trying for AAA's score. Like with Ghost Boppers- my keyboard is attached to my computer (laptop) so it makes the game quite a bit harder :(


I follow the above methods but twice I've sent in a score I've worked hard on (like on Destruct-o-Match) only to realize I forgot to choose my challenger! Then, knowing I can get the score I challenge AAA.


i've sent in score, then realised i forgot to challenge too.


usually i'm pretty impatient, and i cannot be bothered repeating it. so i pick abigail


there have been a few i have selected abigail, only to later decide that AAA would have been worth trying for.


And tonight I just realized I'm starting to hate the Daily Dare. I think next year I won't participate.


I challenged AAA at Meerca Chase II and can't beat him. Yet my highest score is 760, but I can only beat AAA if I get a Fish Negg which the game is NOT giving me!

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