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For a long, long time I've been pretty undecided what to do with my Elephante Baby_Ayu_chan (http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Baby_Ayu_chan). Actually since the introduction of Neopets 2.0 when she turned from super-cute




into not so cute:


I've been thinking about painting/morphing her for a long time. I don't like the new look much =/ Plus her name, Baby_Ayu_chan, doesn't suit her anymore. I thought about painting her Baby, or morphing her into another species and then painting her Baby.


Which specie/colour do you think would suit Baby_Ayu_chan well?


I had a bit of a look around and found a few nice Baby pets:




Baby Kau looks very cute, but then again my pet's name has a Japanese touch to it that doesn't really go well with a Kau (And unfortunately Baby Kaus don't come with cute paint brush clothing anymore). I think Baby Aisha, Chomby and Xweetok are good options. A Baby Elephante would be kinda cute, too, plus it's the same species.


One species you don't have is a Baby Acara, I think they're adorable.


I had a bit of a look around and found a few nice Baby pets:




Baby Kau looks very cute, but then again my pet's name has a Japanese touch to it that doesn't really go well with a Kau (And unfortunately Baby Kaus don't come with cute paint brush clothing anymore). I think Baby Aisha, Chomby and Xweetok are good options. A Baby Elephante would be kinda cute, too, plus it's the same species.

I'd say either the Baby Aisha or Baby Xweetok, they seem like they'd suit the name best. But its all up to you.. :)

Or, looking at a species change, I could totally imagine her being a Chomby, maybe Plushie or Faerie:


This would also go well with her Asian name, I mean, wasn't the most famous dino ever, Godzilla, from Japan? :D


Woodland would be a nice colour, but there is no Woodland specie so far that I like enough.


Out of those choices I'd probably say the Xwee or Acara ^_^


(... though I do agree with Behemoth, Baby Draik ;))


I personally think baby Elephantes are super underrated and are totally adorable. Also, a baby Xwee might be cute - they always strike me as the oriental-type pet. Probably because of the Xweetok Lotus set. >_>


I think a baby Xwee would be really cute with the name :) But that's just me. (And apparently Rune above :P)

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