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We all have goals and things we are saving towards :laughingsmiley: So let's hear yours! If you can help someone with their goal (knowing a seller, knowing how to best get something, etc.) that's welcome here too!


My goals :

  • Paint Xanthrax - Shadow
  • Buy a Zombie Petpet Paint Brush + Anubis to make a Zombie Anubis for Xanthrax
  • Trade for Gothic Party background for Xanthrax
  • Complete Faerie section of Neodeck
  • Finish gallery! (though unlikely without Illusen's Neopets 6th Birthday Cake)
  • Complete Neohome somehow (mostly it's the garden. Come on TNT, release some new wallpapers and furniture!)
  • Finish stories for Moorlough, Nimhue and Xanthrax


My goals:

  • Paint Reepicheep white.
  • Morph and paint my bethanyprewitt side account pets. (I have three baby pets... way too many colors in Neopia to have three of the same)
  • Finish my Neohome.
  • Create two more sides so I have a full cast of characters.
  • Start submitting stories to the NT

Lady Kakata, I have a Gothic Party Background up for trade btw

Posted (edited)

My goals that require neopoints (or luck):

  • Save until I have another 630k in the bank and have reached the next million mark
  • Acquire a Cybunny (either by buying a potion, hoping they release them at Easter, or successfully trading for one) I was given one! Going to instead concentrate on customising it and my other pets more!
  • Buy more items for my gallery so I feel that it's ready to be opened - not been a priority so I don't have much yet

My other goals:

  • Get a bit more experience adopting out and trading pets
  • Gain some confidence using the trading post and auction house (I've used them, but I'm not used to them)
  • Acquire some more easyish avatars
  • Contact my email provider to find out why messages from Neopets are bouncing - this is a priority!

I've been busy with other things and not been feeling well lately so most of this will just have to wait. One day though! Good luck to all with your goals!


[Edit] I forgot, but I'd like to level up Habi too. Only level 16 so I have a way to go yet, and I can't get on it that much, but I'm slowly getting there. Also, I know this topic is mainly by goals that you need neopoints for, but the other goals are just as important to me so I hope it doesn't matter that I included them.

Edited by CrazyBiscuit

I guess I'll just do some main ones....

  • Halloween Paint Brush
  • Aisha Transmogrification Potion and Grundo Morphing Potion
  • 2 White Paint Brushes
  • 2 Darigan Paint Brushes
  • Brown Paint Brush
  • ...And a whole bunch of NP wearables.


  • Get experience in NC trading
  • Try restocking (keyword is "try")
  • Improve pet lookups
  • Continue zapping/adopting out


In no particular order (though some that earn neopoints go hand in hand with spend neopoints goals)


Paint Scorcher_15 Plushie

Number 6 Avatar Thanks to a VERY generous person I now have this one!

Richer Avatar

Richest Avatar

High Roller Avatar

Baby Xweetok

Helping friends achieve dreamies by zapping/adopting out

Stamp Avatars (o.o)

Game Avatars

Plushie Gallery (been slowly working on it)


Non Neopoint Goals:

Get published 10 times in the Neopian Times + in one of the 50 editions (100, 150 etc)


Pirate/Desert/Shadow Draik crosspaint. My plan is to buy a Draik egg, paint a male Draik Desert, and then paint it Shadow as a nice base. I have about 500k right now, so it'll be a while. *cheers for the eggs to continue to deflate*


Another personal project is art for all my pets, but that is a goal that will never be achieved, because I'll never have enough. It also doesn't help that I keep switching on whether I like anthro, quad, or full on human styles for my pets. I'd also like to do comics for the NT eventually...


Well considering two hours ago I apainted my Shoyru, and got my last dream pet, all I need now is to work on my gallery.


I seem to have a lot :*

  • a weewoo to paint plushie for my baby kacheek (I have the brush now the hard part the weewoo)
  • finish secret labmap (2/9)
  • decide on a less broad theme for my gallery (was plushie, but I kept forgetting what I had and ended up with multiples so until a better theme its on hold)
  • more avatar especially game ones
  • a shadow paintbrush for my xwee
  • either a maraquan albat or maraquan snowickle for my maraquan eyrie
  • Number six avie (just acheieved 5 mill so hopefully it is on its way)
  • clear out SDB and fill shop(I mean really, Items: 1,846 | Qty: 3,115, packrat was litterally YEARS ago, you lazy bum)
  • one day complete both DONs
  • one day have 10 million in the bank to fully upgrade my interest
  • Last of all (that I can think of) figure out a way to reach goals while still saving every neopenny for the bank (<- unlikely, I think so)


Awesome lists everyone!


For me it would be get more game avatars and hopefully break 300 (just got Deckswabber!!!) as well as zap/adopt out some of my extra pets because I don't really do anything with them. :P


Wow! awesome goals you guys have there! :D

I have achieved my goals to have draik and krawk, now what i want to have is to paint them water/eventide. that should be awesome if i get there.


And my other goal is to match leedom111 and linsta on their achievement in art gallery. they are awesome and i mean it :)


Wow. You all have such cool goals! Mine sound so boring compared to everybody else...


I want a Mutant Draik. So, hoping to buy a transmorgrifcation potion for that.


Get to level 50 on habi.


Paint the Lupe either spotted or Jelly.


Make my Peophin a Darigan Peophin


- finish buying and collecting items for my gallery (this will be a long time!)

- make my gallery look nice and enter it into the weekly competition

- work on those expensive avatars once I'm no longer saving up for gallery items

- buy all those species specific clothes for my pets that are way too expensive to even think about right now :P


Those are the main goals right now. I actually really like the basic colors for my pets, so I don't think I'll be saving up for paintbrushes any time soon. I'd also like to get my pets trained up to be battledome pets, but that's not a very high priority at the moment.


mine.. are going to take awhile :P

  1. Get more kadoaties for my kad gallery :) thinking eventually may aim for gallery spotlight.. way way way off though (so if you have one and want to sell it, still looking!)
  2. finish petpet paint brush gallery
  3. finish apple gallery (if someone has a cloud shoyru apple UFT, really interested)
  4. finish off wing gallery, need to find beautiful glowing wings for something reasonable :P or.. if anyone knows ANYONE with simple white wings :(
  5. get a draik, decided the FFQ i'm saving will most likely be water or maraquan draik (leaning towards maraquan since already got my backgrounds and custom all ready!!)
  6. get either: faerie PB or faerie xweetok morphing potion for a side account, and a baby PB to replace my poor baby who got turned invisible (yep, will always be really sore about that one) :O i was gifted a Baby PB!! *hug* THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (and yes, all caps because i was so shocked, i pretty much froze when i logged in and couldn't type anything for 10 minutes because everything was full of typos from shaking, :O
  7. lucky 7: achieve my NC wish of NY in SK (or the slightly smaller goal of finding zenco contacts at the moment, fingers crossed they are retro released)


Get my Krawk and paint Tyrannian.

Get my Draik. Will be Water or Eventide.

Buy a Faerie Paintbrush for my Bori.

Buy my customization for my Bori which will be over 6 mil.

Get two Royal brushes for my RB and RG soon to be Kougras.

Get more Neo cards and Stamps.

Acquire more gallery items.

Buy all the talisman beads.

Get two Secret Lab Maps.

Get 250 Avatars

Beat NQ for the Silver trophy.

Gift five more pets.

Train Simba up a lot more. (It's getting expensive especially with how high codestones are right now!)


Let's see if I can get them all.


* Paint Cryohydra Maraquan

* Buy a Pirate Krawk MP/Magicial Plushie for Liquiform to play with/morph

* Paint Liquiform Camo

* Buy a Snowickle for my Ice Hissi

* Once a Water petpet I like comes out, get a Water PB/Petpet for Aitvara

* Buy a Wraith Staff for a future pet

* Trade for some NC items (including the Glass Rose Staff)

* Train Aitvara


* 300 avatars (3 more to go)

* Game avatars. I have lots of them to get

* Get the Chocolate avatar

* Slowly work on my gallery, Neodeck, and stamp collections

* Richest Avatar


* Upgrade some trophies, including NQ 1 & 2

* Get more trophies


And... that's all I can think of at the moment.


Expensive goals:

  • acquire balloons for gallery
  • acquire fruit/vegetable chias for side account


Other goals:

  • get more involved with contests
  • make use of avatar lending program


I'd really like to do some art-related stuff, but it may have to wait until summer - school keeps me so busy!


  • Actually participate in this year's daily dare
  • Try to finally finsh Altador Plot: Something has gone wrong for just about every step so far, so it is taking forever Finished!
  • Get the pink avatar the next time I have a pink pet: I've had a pink pet twice and keep forgetting about the avatar
  • Come up with some sort of customization/paint plan for the pets at my main account: My Christmas Aisha is going to stay the color and species she is, but I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my pets. The Red Ogrin might get moved to a side, because I could put together a nice set of steampunk clothes for him with only using one or two boxes. I want to pick a species and color that might look best with my Mad Hatter stuff.
  • Buy a lab map for side account once the prices start to go down
  • Build the pet I use for 1-player battledome's level back up from 1 after an unlucky zap
  • Store stuff to discard later for the rubbish avatar
  • Keep remembering to go fishing to get junk and the avatar


My ultimate goal? A freakin Candychan XD but since they're currently at 18mill, I don't see that ever happening :\ So for now I'm just working on expanding out my Christmas Gallery. I can't see it ever being completed, for obvious reasons but it's fun to work at. Other than that? I've gotten it in my head I'd like a UC Grey Ixi but that's more of a wish than a goal.


I have loads... The ones I'm actively working on at the moment are:

  • Train Enshek to even 70s
  • Get to 230 avatars
  • Save enough NP to complete my superhero-themed account (Probably about 4-5 mil)
  • Mysterious Swirly Potion Hivok & see what happens
  • Royal/Maractite crosspaint for Crasis
  • Other assorted PBs and customisation items.


Expensive goals:

  • acquire balloons for gallery
  • acquire fruit/vegetable chias for side account

Other goals:

  • get more involved with contests
  • make use of avatar lending program

I'd really like to do some art-related stuff, but it may have to wait until summer - school keeps me so busy!



I had a couple of balloons which will just go flat sitting in my SDB so have sent them to you...


All Work And No Play Makes My Gallery A Dull Place !!


seriously my gallery sucks the fun and life out of my Neopets life ...


it will never be finished :sad02:


Goals :


- more musical items for gallery


- win more trophies


- win more avatars


- save 10 Mil NP (which contradicts number 1)


  • Make an honest effort to work on one avatar flash game at a time (I get frustrated easily and jump around)
  • Play NQII to get the avatars - 2 week goal
  • Get at least one of my pets trained in all areas in case faerieland decides to fall even further
  • Have more workers in my Habi the next "death gem" cycle... nesters are lazy
  • Figure out a color to paint Tradewind... :wub_anim:

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