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Sell or Open?


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On the forgotten shore today i found a treasure chest, now on the tp i have seen people trying to sell these for 40,000. Not sure whether it goes through or someone bids on it or what, but am i better off selling it or opening it and seeing wht i get?

If ur suggestion is selling it, how much would you suggest?




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if its below 100,000 nps your best bet for a quicksale is through your shop.


you can get junk from it, or maybe a pirate draik egg or pirate morphing potion and a few more things (see www.neopets.com/~esophagor for a list of items), it depends on if you think the first is worth it to open something and potentially lose 40k :)

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Oow, im so bad at decision like this! i have only ever had 1 chest before and it was a pile of JUNK!, but thinking seriously what is the chances of getting a pirate draik egg? basically none isnt it, or so slim its rarely found, so i might aswell it.. oh i dont know lol x


Edit: Well i decided to take the risk and open it as i usually get money from the forgotten shore, i opened it and got... Pirate Lip Balm.. Oh well! down 40k but it'll take 4days to make that back up ^^ and now i can take take care of my pets lips lol x

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Sell it! Resist the temptation! ... although if you really like that thrill of the unknown, open it,


but if you're saving for something or like the satisfaction of saving for something expensive, then I'd sell it.


I am one that would rather know I'm getting a profit than take a chance, but neo is the only area of my life where I am able to resist that kind of temptation.


In RL, I am all about instant gratification.

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I always open chests when I get them. I mean, it's not like I actually went out and bought the chest for 40k, so I don't technically loose anything... and just think of all the rare items you can get from a chest! :woot: I take the risk everytime. Once I get the rare items, then maybe I'll sell the chests for 40k. Maybe.

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hm, well if there's not a goal you're saving for, then open it! i only sell them if there's a specific item i'm working towards.


although do be warned that 98% of the items in there are total crud. but i know a few people who got a krawk pots out of them, so maybe you'll be lucky ^_^

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Sell! Sell! Sell! I always recommend selling just because I think usually you make more profit than not from selling them. But that's just me and apparently I'm no fun ;D

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