billpika_x8 Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 I think this issue should be brought to the table. Marijuana is currently illegal, and it is considered radical to favor legalization of such a substance. However, I am pro-legalization, because of what the government could do to make money off of it: they could allow people to grow it, and distribute it for both medical and recreational use. However, for the latter, a very high price floor could be imposed. This will curb the drug war by crippling the survival of drug cartels. A 25% (massive) tax could also be imposed, to give a little back to the government. A few subsidies could be in order, too, for growers. Eventually, none will be distributed, except for chemotherapy patients, and none will be purchased for recreation. It will be a vicious attack on drugs, but in a subtle form. I sound a little stupid, but can you see my reason? Quote
hrtbrk Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 I totally agree. Legalize it (less than 5g is usually the norm), however put a small tax it and you take one of the biggest bricks out of the drug war's foundation. The amount of money they will lose will be insane (of course as long as the Government provides the right quality) If you legalize it and put a giant tax on it, it's just going to cause people to grow and distribute it behind the Governments back because they cannot afford to buy it legally... and nothing would change other than it being legal. People aren't going to stop smoking it - ever. So may as well protect the users, make some money off of them and take a jab to the cartels at the same time. ~Xandria 1 Quote
billpika_x8 Posted February 17, 2012 Author Posted February 17, 2012 Haha.... I see what you did there. Took a few kinks out of my plan. I realized that about 5 minutes later:P Quote
lilshadowdweller Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 Alcohol is legal, which (in my opinion) is a far worse liquid legal drug which distorts the world more than pot. If you have alcohol legal, than pot should be as well, with the same taxes and age limit applied. Pot isn't the gateway drug - alcohol is. I don't even really smoke it anyway and I support this. I think it may help some people, too. Aside from people like me, which, apparently it can make anxiety worse. That being said, I would like to see more people maybe getting an vapourizer for it. In my apartment, they always smoke it and it STINKS. I don't care if pot isn't known to cause cancer - I shouldn't have to smell the smoke regardless, and my apartment shouldn't smell like it either. I know vapourizers are expensive but there's so many benefits to using one: no tar in your lungs, doesn't spread to the people around you, apparently a quicker high, more plant used, ect. I've also had people yell at me and go; "Well, you don't know if they have cancer or not". (But seriously, we all know people who use it who are not suffering from anything deadly.) It would just be nice and decent if they could use it instead and spare me from that stench. Quote
littlemushro0m Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 I'm extremely passionate about legalization. It shouldn't even be illegal in the first place. Most people wince at the thought of legalizing this natural medicine when they probably have like 50 different pill bottles in their medicine cabinets. I know it effects everyone differently, but personally it's the only thing I will turn to for medicine - I don't get horrible anxiety anymore, it helps me sleep, and it has effectively subsided any pain I have been through in the last few years. Not to mention it gives me a healthy appetite - I always used to have trouble eating and as a result I was super malnourished. Also, it gives me a huge creative drive. In fact - the only time my writing comes out decent is after I've smoked a few. Even if you don't like smoking you can just eat the stuff. It seems like things are heading in a good direction though, and with enough persistence I feel like it definately will be legal within the next decade. Very exciting stuff ^_^ Anyone else going to Cannabis Cup this year? Quote
Angeló Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 I'm a doctor and I support legalizing it :) it's medicinal .. end of story !! the political crap should stop ... Quote
Kaana Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 From (the admittedly little) research I did on this a while ago, the drug war in general started as the war on opium, which was actually an anti-Chinese movement. Thoughts? (I felt it was related.) There's whispers of legalising marijuana in Australia, with pretty much what hrtbrk said as the modus operandi, but this government won't do it, not with such dangerously low approval ratings. Quote
maleaco Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 I say why regulate freedom, why cant we have the decision to decide for ourselves Quote
billpika_x8 Posted February 19, 2012 Author Posted February 19, 2012 Because of a few misconceptions and fears that are altogether irrational. Quote
Welcome Back Apathy Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 Legalization is great in theory, but it has to be well-done for it to work safely. There are a few problems with legalization. One, how closely will we regulate where people can smoke? We already regulate cigarette smoking, but marijuana in public is far worse than cigarette smoking because it affects your brain. Yes, you can get messed up by SECONDHAND marijuana. I've only been around marijuana once, and it absolutely destroyed me. Two, despite people's claims that marijuana has never killed anyone, driving while high HAS killed people. Yes, I know, so has drunk driving but alcohol isn't illegal. Here's the problem: alcohol is measurable. There is currently not a standard measure for what level of marijuana in your blood is legal to drive. There is currently no way for police officers to measure the levels of marijuana in your blood in a timely fashion. In the meantime, you'd have to be held in jail for that time, or else set free and then unable to find once you've been found to be guilty. Neither are good options. I'm in favor of legalization provided kinks are worked out. I am very, very anti-drug for myself. I don't even take aspirin or anti-inflammatories despite the fact that I have severe spinal disabilities that cause pain, and it honestly does offend me how some people whine that they can't cope with life without marijuana. (They then whine that I just wouldn't understand because I've had noooothing wrong in my life like how they got dumped by their significant other. Waaaaaaaaah. Call a waaaahmbulance.) But just because I don't do drugs doesn't mean there's anything wrong with other people doing them--except the things that I've mentioned. So before legalization can happen, we need to have a well-written plan for legalization and terms of legalization. And we do need to have some way of being able to recognize and measure when people are driving high, because that is murder in exactly the same way as drunk driving is. I don't think either of these two terms is too difficult. The reason why we don't have a way of measuring is really just because the legalization of marijuana has never been taken seriously. If scientists knew that it was strongly being considered, then they would actually do the tests necessary to figure it out. Medicinal marijuana...yes. Please legalize and keep legal in the states where it's already legal. Just make sure it's only prescribed to people who really need it, just like any other painkillers should be. For crying out loud, anyone who's in bad enough shape to need medicinal marijuana is not going to be leaving the house to go smoke in public, and they're not going to be driving. There are no kinks to work out here. Quote
hrtbrk Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 . Yes, I know, so has drunk driving but alcohol isn't illegal. Here's the problem: alcohol is measurable. There is currently not a standard measure for what level of marijuana in your blood is legal to drive. There is currently no way for police officers to measure the levels of marijuana in your blood in a timely fashion. In the meantime, you'd have to be held in jail for that time, or else set free and then unable to find once you've been found to be guilty. Neither are good options. I'd assume they'd keep the current law's that are in place - don't drive while high. If you're pulled over while high, you go to jail. The law would be that you can have a certain amount on you and have it be legal, not that you can smoke a certain amount and have it be legal. :P Quote
Welcome Back Apathy Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 I'd assume they'd keep the current law's that are in place - don't drive while high. If you're pulled over while high, you go to jail. The law would be that you can have a certain amount on you and have it be legal, not that you can smoke a certain amount and have it be legal. :P But that's the trouble. Alcohol has a simple test: the breathalyzer. There are other tests as well that will tell you exactly how much there is. Marijuana testing, as far as I know, can only be done by urine test--which, of course, is expensive and takes several days for results. And it will only tell you if you're positive or negative--it doesn't measure how much there actually is. There is not currently an instrument to measure marijuana readily enough. I feel like there could be. Scientists have invented THE INTERNET. I think they can handle developing an instrument that easily measures the level of marijuana in blood--they just need to have a reason to start trying. Quote
hrtbrk Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 People are charged with DWI's for driving while high already, and it's not measured by how much they've smoked lol You cannot mask glassy eyes now matter how much Visine you squeeze into them (a sure sign) and slowed response time. You'd take a sobriety field test just like if you were pulled over and suspected to be high today. If you fail their field test, you're charged with a DWI. There wouldn't need to be an instrument to measure how much, like a breathalyzer, because there wouldn't be a legal limit for the amount of marijuana you can smoke. If you're high, you're high. You go to jail lol Legalizing marijuana would mean that you can possess a certain amount and grow a certain amount yourself without being charged. If they ever do make an instrument that CAN detect the amount, they better make it as psychedelic looking as all heck. Just for laughs. ;) Quote
Angeló Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 you don't need to drive when you're high :) you can just fly anywhere you want :P hrtbrk 1 Quote
chibi_chibi_tsukino Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 Let's face it: It's legal in the Netherlands. And the Netherlands have a comparatively low rate of young drug addicts. Need I say more? Quote
jmt_1992 Posted May 6, 2012 Posted May 6, 2012 I personally do not smoke marijuana, but I am pro-legalization of it. I agree with the newer evidence that marijuana is not harmful. I don't believe that it causes cancer, and I believe that it actually grows brain cells instead of killing them. I think that we have been told lies this entire time. I believe that the reason we think of the "pot heads" as being unintelligent is because they are constantly smoking and are therefore constantly high (which gives the illusion of stupidity). I also think that another reason is because these people may have started smoking young and therefore did not learn as much in school due to constantly being high. This is just my opinion, though. You may find it radical & I understand why someone would disagree, so I will not take offense to it. I feel that there are people who abuse marijuana, just like there are people who abuse alcohol. I think if someone did not abuse it, it would actually be beneficial. If marijuana were legalized, I would probably smoke it occasionally in order to lessen my severe anxiety symptoms (there are studies out on this as well). Quote
Nataluna Posted May 6, 2012 Posted May 6, 2012 inventive ways people have already done this, i think there is a dispensing machine in New Zealand? can't remember the country, but in order to avoid the drug dealer charges they have one of those convenience machines in the cafe instead of a person handing out. The cafe in question no longer runs courses on how to grow the stuff because the police were being really disruptive and i think the owner got arrested 5-6 times and released with minor-no charges.. read the article sometime this year. in Australia i went to a community meeting regarding the recent Carbon Tax to meet with the Prime Minister and one guy creatively asked since drugs are usually manufactured overseas, with obvious transport logistics, if people grew marijuana at home if the Government would consider legalising it to reduce carbon emissions. By the way Julia Gillard creatively sidestepped giving any definite answers but when asked to directly answer the question said she considered it a area for State Governments not Federal (by the way this is correct according to the Drugs and Poisons Act which is done individually by the States with the Federal Government regulating the PBS system). I don't have a fixed opinion on this as i have not done any extensive research to form a true informed opinion with it. As with any psychoactive substance i believe it needs to be assessed by someone with adequate training to assess if it is necessary and suitable for a patient (as has been mentioned, there are some issues with psychiatric disorders and conditions). Having training and open information usually is beneficial in decreasing risks associated with mis-information and mis-use and i can see issues with naturally derived products vs standardised tested medication (as i drug dosages, some plants depending on how they are grown may be more psychoactive than others, not necessarily a question about drug safety in general) I find it interesting the point on testing for driving safety as that would be a major concern when legalising it. I'm not 100% sure but i believe you can also do a saliva test for it as well? although i think the saliva test is only used as a general indicator for whether further testing is to be done. Quote
keiwo Posted May 6, 2012 Posted May 6, 2012 Two, despite people's claims that marijuana has never killed anyone, driving while high HAS killed people. driving while sober and completely free of drug-related influence has also killed people. driving is a hazard exacerbated by alcohol and drugs - that's unavoidable. I've found that the majority of opposition towards marijuana (including in people who smoke cigarettes and drink) is bred by fear and hatred of illegal drugs in general. while it's true that marijuana is illegal, it cannot rightfully be compared to the likes of heroin and cocaine. I don't smoke weed anymore (got over that stage of my life by the time I was 16.. I guess I'm just not a vice sort of person) but I think it's absolutely ridiculous that cigarettes and alcohol are legal while marijuana is criminalized and stigmatized. don't get me wrong; I've known people whose lives have been completely taken over by weed and it's not a good look, but alcoholism is far more of a concern to me. here in NZ there have been a lot of legal marijuana 'substitutes' released. they're all chemically produced and generally have the same taste, smell and effect as the real thing. a few of the substitutes have been recalled and pulled from the market due to people having unseemly reactions to them and also because of the presence of potentially dangerous chemicals. I think it'd be far more reasonable to just legalize the real thing than try to replicate it and thereby produce products that are far more dangerous than natural marijuana. there is, of course, the issue of how to legalize it after it's been illegal for so long. it would certainly take a lot of effort to keep everything under control - probably more effort than government and law enforcement are willing to make at this stage. I'd be for it, though I feel like it'd be hugely abused here because the majority of people I know who are smokers are truly complete and utter morons, and I don't think they need their access to dope made any easier. inventive ways people have already done this, i think there is a dispensing machine in New Zealand? can't remember the country, but in order to avoid the drug dealer charges they have one of those convenience machines in the cafe instead of a person handing out. The cafe in question no longer runs courses on how to grow the stuff because the police were being really disruptive and i think the owner got arrested 5-6 times and released with minor-no charges.. read the article sometime this year. I've read about 'Cannabis Cafés/Clubs' here where people go to just chill and smoke. I think some of them are pretty well left alone by the police, but I do recall reading something similar to what you've summarized. Quote
sigfridur Posted July 25, 2012 Posted July 25, 2012 Let's face it: It's legal in the Netherlands. And the Netherlands have a comparatively low rate of young drug addicts. Need I say more? Decriminalized/de facto legal, not actually legal. They do crack down on coffee shops too close to schools, at least lately. I'm for legalization completely. I have done scores of academic research on its benefits and have debunked several myths about it (that smoking kills brain cells, that it is addictive in the same way that alcohol and hard drugs are addictive, etc). The only people who are against it are "Just Say No"/Nixon robots and many who currently grow it illegally and make millions doing so. Quote
Welcome Back Apathy Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 I don't believe that it causes cancer, and I believe that it actually grows brain cells instead of killing them. Actually, lately, I've been seeing things on the internet saying "MARIJUANA CURES CANCER, BUT THE GOVERNMENT IS SUPPRESSING IT." I've never heard that it causes cancer, just emphysema from the smoke. (And pot brownies cause obesity *nods sagely*) Marijuana does not cure cancer as far as I know, but it's highly possible that it would be a good treatment that could kill tumors. After all, it HAS been proven to decrease inflammation, similar to chemotherapy--and given the choice between marijuana and chemotherapy... I have a pretty terrible disability. The people who have it really bad end up on chemotherapy to zap the inflammation and make it go down. With cancer, at least there's the possibility that the disease will go away. People with my disability end up taking chemotherapy for the rest of their lives, starting ~30, ending at death. Many people die anyway, because the inflammation can reach the internal organs. Chemotherapy works for taking down the inflammation and the fusion, but marijuana WOULD WORK BETTER. And it would only have to be used once a week or so, and would give people with AS their lives back. Their lives, without decreased immune system. Their lives, with the hair they naturally grow. I don't know which would work better for cancer patients--chemo or marijuana--but it's definitely worth research, right? Anyone who's against medical marijuana needs to look at research and realize that it's really not worse than most painkillers out there. Of course, I know people who've gotten a prescription for it for really stupid reasons, and then they dealt what they got. Ridiculous. (I know for a fact that these people faked it. Trust me, it's a fact--they didn't even try to deny that they faked it.) If it were legal, they wouldn't have to do that, and they wouldn't make people with real diseases and disabilities look bad. Quote
passiflora Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 Actually, lately, I've been seeing things on the internet saying "MARIJUANA CURES CANCER, BUT THE GOVERNMENT IS SUPPRESSING IT." I've never heard that it causes cancer, just emphysema from the smoke. (And pot brownies cause obesity *nods sagely*) Marijuana does not cure cancer as far as I know, but it's highly possible that it would be a good treatment that could kill tumors. After all, it HAS been proven to decrease inflammation, similar to chemotherapy--and given the choice between marijuana and chemotherapy... Going off tangent in 3... 2... 1... :P There are oodles of claims that say "x cures cancer, but x doesn't want us to know", which I want to throw out there should never be taken too seriously. Firstly, it's unlikely that there ever be a cure for cancer - it's a group of diseases. Secondly, these claims are usually only backed up by anecdotal claims or one or two nitpicked scientific studies. Just because something looks nice in a lab doesn't mean it will translate well into real life. Take marijuana for example: Say THC was found to suppress tumour growth in vitro, or maybe even in vivo in some sort of small animal. This is one isolated component and so couldn't be applied directly to marijuana use itself, as it contains a number of other compounds. It's exceptionally difficult to study the effect of the plant itself because it isn't easy to attribute a specific cause due to a specific compound, like in clinical trials for most other drugs. Not to mention that the method of administration would also make a huge difference, as it is most commonly smoked (which is also most likely the most harmful way to do it). That said, I think the medical debate should remain separate from legalization for the broader general public. We don't approve drugs for medical uses so that they can be used to get high or so that whoever wants them can be a chronic user - they're developed and approved for a defined use . Now, sorry for the rant. :P I'm not opposed to legalizing marijuana, but I don't actively advocate for it. If it were to be legalized, I'd just hope it was well-controlled. I'm generally in favour of more restrictions on tabacco use, and I'd hope that all the same laws would apply to pot as well. Quote
arkwright Posted August 3, 2012 Posted August 3, 2012 For what its worth, I don`t think anyone's added this - if its a case of religion that makes people unsure of legalising it, the Bible for example says something along the lines of that "all of the plants on this planet are for people's use". I know its hazy I`m not religious myself, I just know this part exists - its just this seems to suggest that if God would have put marijuana on this planet, we can use it. Quote
Welcome Back Apathy Posted August 3, 2012 Posted August 3, 2012 For what its worth, I don`t think anyone's added this - if its a case of religion that makes people unsure of legalising it, the Bible for example says something along the lines of that "all of the plants on this planet are for people's use". I know its hazy I`m not religious myself, I just know this part exists - its just this seems to suggest that if God would have put marijuana on this planet, we can use it. I don't think I've ever heard a religious argument for banning it, although I think probably most religious people who use their religion to ban other things are probably against it. I'm certain the Mormons must be against it, as the general rules are that caffeine and alcohol are drugs. But I don't think that Christians in general have ever tried to use a religious argument against it. Quote
miemieh Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 I'm from the Netherlands. So I know what it's like to live with legal marijuana. Personaly I think it's way saver than alcohol. I'd tried both. Alcohol can make me do some things where I would be ashamed of the day after. Marijuana never did that to me. I only did had a lot of fun, I could remember everything the day after. Quote
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