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Hey there everyone! I've been stalking this forum for a while but never had the guts to post anything UNTIL NOW! So yay!


My name's Christina, but everyone tends to call me Stina, so you can go with whichever you like. You can find me on neopets as musicalmayhem with my wonderful pets! My gelert used to be spotted, but got blasted by Boochi about a month ago so now he's a baby, but soon I hope he'll be Maraquan!


I'm currently working my PATOOTIE off for the Number Six avatar, but that asparagus is dang expensive!


My interests are pretty vast, but in general I really like to draw, play with my zoo (I've got quite a lot of animals here in my humble apartment), and do musician-y stuff! I'm a vocalist by trade, but I also play a few stringed instruments here or there. :)


So yeah! I can't wait to start getting to know everyone here and make some new friends! :D Pleasure to meet you all!

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Hey there! You live near my neck of the USA, Musicalmayhem!

Also, I am Neomysterion, a forum moderator, Neopets player for 10 years (almost), and saving up for the Number 6 avatar, too.


Any questions, just PM me or any other staff member.

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Nice to meet you Christina! You can call me Trig. What sorts of animals do you have in this zoo? :P I love animals <3 I'm also working hard for the Number Six avatar! I think the price has dropped though, yesterday it was only 7 mill! :O

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Wow what a welcome! Hi Khaos, Neomysterion, and Trig!


It's pretty cool to already have met someone from the East Coast! I just moved over here from the West Coast, it's quite a bit different! But glad to say I'm loving it so far!


As for my zoo I have a dog (Castro), 4 cats (Mars, Venus, Macaroni, and Cheese), 2 chinchillas (Buttcheek and Bandito), 2 corn snakes (Leonard and Sulu), and a little blue betta fish (Jambalaya)! :D I love them all! Do you guys have any pets??

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I don't have any pets (besides my Neopets), but my sister has a black/white cat named Oreo.

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Haha that's adorable! :D I love kittuns!


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Hello, and WELCOME to the forums! :D


If I could swear, I would swear, I KNOW THAT HORSE FROM SOMEWHERE.


I just did an image search on Google Images, and found out that the horse guy on this user's avatar was from The Road to El Dorado.

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Wow! You have quite a few pets! That's awesome...although I could do without the snakes! :P


Currently I have one dog (Saint Bernard named Annie), a Leopard Gecko (actually it's my brothers. His name is Spud), two frogs (very small. They are named "froggy" and "doodle" (a gift from my love)), and a beta fish...who doesn't have a name. A couple of weeks ago I still had my baby Clifford (a Havanese dog) but sadly he passed away (L). At the height of the zoo at my house though we had (brace yourself):

- 2 Dogs

- 4 Guinea pigs

- 1 Hamster

- 2 Birds

- 1 Leopard gecko

- 1 Scorpian

- Some fish

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Nice to meet you Christina. :)



I'm currently working my PATOOTIE off for the Number Six avatar, but that asparagus is dang expensive!


In general I'm an advocate for earning your own way in things like pet stats, actual NP (no being gifted etc), on and on. But not for avatars actually. Like the petpet avatars. They aren't HARD to get on your own just time-wasting. So I see nothing wrong with being lent those. Same with the adam avatar. Since you're not keeping the money and it's just a speeding up of the inevitable, try seeking a lend if you want. Be warned though it has to be for the full amount technically otherwise it's item pooling.

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In general I'm an advocate for earning your own way in things like pet stats, actual NP (no being gifted etc), on and on. But not for avatars actually. Like the petpet avatars. They aren't HARD to get on your own just time-wasting. So I see nothing wrong with being lent those. Same with the adam avatar. Since you're not keeping the money and it's just a speeding up of the inevitable, try seeking a lend if you want. Be warned though it has to be for the full amount technically otherwise it's item pooling.


To be honest, I'm having a good time saving up for it on my own. :) Plus I figure once I have the avatar I can just go on a spending spree! :D


Rayray, that's WONDERFUL! I love meeting others who are as into animals as I am! They're such a joy to have! I am jealous of your St. Bernard! I want a big dog really bad, but when we moved in here my roommates really wanted to get a dog so I'll just have to wait until I move somewhere with a bit more wiggle room on their pet policy!


And yes, guys, my avatar is of El Tivo from The Road to El Dorado! He's such a funny character, and this face always makes me laugh. But you're right, now that you mention it. He does bear a STRIKING resemblance to Maximus from Tangled! :V


Also sorry about the previous post shortness! I'll be more diligent about my post length from now on, promise!

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I love my Saint Bernard. She's my beautiful girl :) She's one of my babies...because as I mentioned my other baby sadly passed away- but he'll always be my baby in my heart. She weighs about 190lbs...but she needs to loose some weight. But yes, she's beautiful :) I love Saints, but my family has all agreed that there won't be any more after this one- she is our third and the fir and size is getting to be too much- plus my brother and I will be moving out soon :) I tried to post photos a while ago, but it wouldn't work sadly. I only have photos on facebook, but I'll try and get some up in the next little while.

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Hiya there :D Oh my gosh i LOVE THE ROAD TO EL DORADO :D <3 That was like the disney film of my childhood :3 and the horse was amazing.


I love HereComesTreble and think it's actually a really good name for a puppy-looking neopet ;) I love baby gelerts anyhow. Hope to get to know you better and see you around the forums soon :)



Edit: Is that an obnxious amount of smilies? :P DANG it I just can't help it...

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