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Mmm, hi!


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Hello, forum. My Neopets username is runawayx13, but please, call me Kendra.


I have been playing since elementary school, which is at least nine years (my first account got lost somewhere in my not-playing-very-consistently  :c ). It's gotten to the point where I'm more enjoying labbing and trading/adopting pets than having permies, however I do have one that I keep hanging on to.... She was just zapped a Chocolate Shoyru, too, so I'd love to trade, but I can't bring myself to just yet.  D:


So, yep. Lab addict, dailies addict, trying to be more on top of my habitarium, trying to get more avatars (except I'm terrible at games).... I used to be really into roleplaying, but I have a hard time getting attached to a character (and staying active). I think the thing I've enjoyed most about Neo was getting the packrat avatar - for real, it's like I can't stop hoarding things!


Offline, I'm a sophomore in college (physics major) and an avid horseback rider (for any savvy in the equestrian ways, I event at the BN/N level with my 14.3hh 12y/o Paint mare   :D ). Honestly, that pretty much sums it up - I'm not left with much free time. Possibly (probably?) going to be a Sigma Sigma Sigma this semester! (Which is amusing because I'm the opposite of sorority - fauxhawk, flannels, Timberlands....)


Mmm. I don't know what else to say about me? Hi?  c:

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Welcome to The Daily Neopets.

You can call me Neomysterion, and I am one of the mods over here. Any questions, ask me or another staffer!


Also, I'm looking forward to seeing you around TDN as well, enjoy the forums!

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Hey Kendra :) I'm Saxen. Nice to meet you!


I absolutely love horse riding but haven't done it in years :P You're so lucky! Horses are gorgeous, one of my favourite animals ^_^


Welcome to the forums hun, hope you have a good time here :D

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Welcome to the forums! :) I'm Trig (or RayRay). You'll love it here. So you're a physics major, eh? (I'm Canadian...sorry...the "eh" just comes out). How're you enjoying that? I'm finding physics is pretty difficult, and I think you're terribly courageous to major in it. And smart too!

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Thanks, Trig! Both for the welcoming and the compliment. d:


I really enjoy physics, because it's basically all word problems with intricate math that describes the workings of the world. Haha, I guess to a lot of people that's exactly why they DON'T like it, but math has always been my thing, word problems are more fun than just plugging in numbers, and I love understanding how things work or why they are how they are.


I mean, I guess I like doing math homework more than physics because it's less thought (and more easy to multitask while watching something on Netflix!), but I couldn't possibly do math research, since what I've witnessed of that is either probabilities, statistics, or unreal circumstances - like my Calc II professor's work with "what if there was no gravitational distortion by black holes?" I mean, yes it's cool, but there's no point to it. Therefore, I'll stick to physics research. =) Haha.

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Wow. That's awesome you're so into physics. I actually don't mind physics, I really like electricity- so if I went into physics that would be the area I would study in. However, I don't want to do research and I would really like to become a doctor. I agree with you though, math is awesome. I also find math easier...the theory in physics can get confusing sometimes. And for me to get into university, it's like 95% in math or 81% in physics...both are decent, but only the math mark will get me scholarships XD But..I'm going into science in any event :P

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Interestingly enough, one path I didn't realize existed was physics into med school!


I think the idea behind it is radiation or MRIs or something, but still. Medical physics, I believe the field is called. Having a physics degree rather than biology/etc. even helps students get into med school, as long as the pre-med requirements are filled, because it's not seen very often.


I can't decide if I want to consider this option or not....

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