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It's Jhudora Day!


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I did a quest one year and it didn't give me the avatar for some reason and then I think I forgot. This year I've got it! At last!


congrats! i'm going to try again later tonight and see if i'm able to get it

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Well hot. 260K just so I can get the avvie. Failed that quest. Sure hope it's every twelve hours so I can do a small quest tonight!



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Gah! I'm saving for a Faerie Xweetok Morphing Potion so no Avie for me this year. All well. Kudos to everyone who got it!!


Love the wig though! Maybe when I release myself from this spending freeze I'll see if I can find one.


and my poem got published :D


Congrats on being published! :-)

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Aw man, I JUST managed to do the Quest in time! I wasn't at home and tried to do the Quest on my Blackberry the best I could, only to find the bank won't load D8 I thought I was going to lose both the Quest and my chance for the avatar until I remembered I'd bought some things for Half Price Day, and thankfully my Shop Till DID load XD PHEW!

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Gahh!!! Once again, even like some of you, I reminded myself to do this but then forgot T_T I have missed this twice now since wanting to get it for the first time.

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