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What do I wear to this?

Naamah D.

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So I'm starting with a new therepist. My last therepist, as you may or may not know, judged me heavily on all of my interest. I'm into "alternative" clothes. So question is what do I wear? My old therepist some conservative you know what. It's not like I'm going in in my dog collars and Tripp pants. Should I wear what I usually wear? Or put on a "mask" of girly girl clothes?

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You should wear whatever you want - your therapist is there to help you emotionally not judge you for the clothes you wear (or in any way, as a matter of fact!). If they do then they're really not doing their job properly; congrats on the switch!

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i agree with the above and also clothes do give us a layer of identity as well, you should wear what you feel comfortable with, clothes do give a really limited introspective into our emotional state, but if you are concealing things from the new therapist, it decreases the extent of the level of "trust" you have also with them.


if they are better, they will be there for you, not to criticise or adversely judge you.


i wish you luck with them :) hope it all goes smoothly and that you achieve all the outcomes you aim for :)

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I'm also agreeing with everyone else. Your therapist shouldn't judge you on the clothes you wear, what you sound like, or anything that is superficial. What they're supposed to be doing is helping what's on the inside. Your clothes just express who you are. No need to change them~

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I agree with everyone else! It's a shame that your last therapist judged you on something as superficial as clothing, I'm glad to hear you're getting a new one. I say you should wear what ever you like best/what ever you're most comfortable in. :)

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I accidently wore something that may be deemed "girly" because an incident happened earlier where I felt the need to strip myself of my idenity. Next time I'l wear my normal clothes.

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