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Arrow to the knee


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Who else is completely [REMOVED] by all these [REMOVED] with the "arrow to the knee" crap? I'm tired of it. In fact, I think I'll bypass youtube for a month to wait for this fad to pass. Sorry. I'm a little annoyed at the moment. :shiftyeyes_anim: :sick02: :skull:



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I've seen that saying around the boards a bit but I really dont get it? :/ I hate how things just get dragged on and on until they're not funny anymore, like "the law is on my side". It was ONE BOARD for goodness sake ¬_¬ bah!

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Its a term in Skyrim. This guard says, "I used to be an explorer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee" I am not sure if it was explorer or not, I forgot. Haven't played the game in a while.

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I was going to read your post... but then I took an arrow to then knee. <3 ^_~

Just relax, dawg. The arrows to the knee aren't going to kill you. They probably think they're hysterical - especially if they can get such a rise out of you. I'd just shrug it off and find something better to spend my energy on. :) Like... things that make you happy instead of things that set your hair on fire.

Watch some MLP ::sage nod:: the cure for all anger and intolerance.

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Oh goodness the arrow to the knee jokes...yeah just watch some good MLP to make everything better xD


If anything I like this quote - "You see those warriors from Hammerfell? They’ve got curved swords. Curved. Swords."


I'm still playing the game during my free time and I'm really enjoying it!

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I'm sure plenty of them have lives ^^


It's like the radio when they overplay a song to the point that you don't wanna hear it anymore. Same situation here.


My bf already beat the story and is just doing a bunch of missions now while I'm still trying to catch up to him xD

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Eh, I thought that joke was funny for the first couple days, now I'm just rather unfazed by it. And of course people have lives outside of Skyrim, there's just so much in the game to talk about that the discussions are probably going to last a while.

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I don't know, I kinda like that meme. xD It's not terribly annoying, I don't know why so much people are hating on it.


By the way, It's arrow in the knee, not arrow to the knee :D :nerd:

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I don't really get what this meme is supposed to mean, same applies for "Grab My".

The "arrow to the knee" meme is something from Skyrim, and the "Grab My X..." meme comes from some comic or something.

Anyway, I never found the "arrow to the knee" meme funny at all. It's not the worst meme ever, but it's still pretty bad.

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I think it's because every guard in the game is programmed to say that line at some point, which starts to become a little silly, which then spawns this meme mocking that line.

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This is the first time I've ever heard of this expression. Evidently, I have been living under a rock. Some of my friends keep quoting Legend Of Zelda things, though, on Facebook...but I understand those. ^^;;


Just ignore it. People have fun with it but it's not a big deal. It'll fade soon enough before being replaced by something else. :P

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I had to use the 'like this' button for the first time. I dislike the meme. I've played the game and sure it's fun for a while, but honestly guys? It's already becoming less 'popular' on youtube though, luckily.

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I know quite a few people that play the game (including my boyfriend) but they've never even brought it up, and then I was all confused, so thank you to everyone for clarifying life for me. In any event, I also don't really find it that funny...maybe I'm boring. :3

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