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YAY I finally got a job!

Lady Kakata

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Always good to finally get back on your feet. And good luck with this one. People a buttheads on the phone, but just let it roll off your shoulders :)

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Congratulations!! That's wonderful news :) It's horrible being out of work, I haven't had a job in a year and a half D:

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Congratulations! I wish I had a job right now. I work at a touristy-seasonal job so currently, I'm laid off. :( I hope to get the courage and obtain a new job shortly. There are a lot of call centre jobs available but it's not for me UNLESS it was in bound. I couldn't stand randomly trying to sell stuff to people. I mean, TECHNICALLY, I do that in person with my real job -- but at least I know that they aren't sitting around for supper or enjoying a nice movie or something.


Good luck and I hope you enjoy it!!!

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Yay, congrats on your new job, I hope everything goes really well for you and that you enjoy it (most of the time anyway, no one likes their job every day, I know I sure as hell don't!!)

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Thank you! ^_^ I was almost a year unemployed, not enjoying it after the first few months -_-; Looking forward to being outside and getting money as well as helping people!


And thank you for the gallery comment XD It's almost finished, although I know for a fact one item will probably never be in my grasp ;_; I can still dream!

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maybe you'll get lucky with a 3rd draik egg :P


a friend said callcentres offer good training and depending on the company, incentives to train upwards to different positions (especially the banks) so i wish you good luck, and i'll miss you around here.. :( pop in when you can?

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Oh that isn't going to stop me coming to TDN XD I'm travelling to and from the big city so my day is like 5:00am (when I get up) - 7:00pm (when I get home)


Oh man a 3rd egg ... I'd sell and IMMEDATELY get Nimhue her Pink, Tanzanite a Faerie Petpet brush, and then focus on FINALLY finishing my gallery! (Mushrooms, why must you be so pricey? :C)

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squee!! :D glad to hear! i don't mind long distance traveling myself (have no choice because mines probably as far, and its the same time and cheaper than driving) i always take my ipod and do reading (and guilty secret, i people watch too)


and if you get a 3rd egg i would definitely have to ask to borrow some luck, and the neoboards would dissect every movement to discover your secret :P

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