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Giovanni Gale

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But we don't have a chemical factory on every street - I mean it would be great for wreaking havoc, but unfortunately people just don't do things like that.

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Dust is annoying glasses or not. By the way, did anyone else say they didn't have glasses, because if everyone here had glasses that would be kinda creepy... :shiftyeyes_anim:

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I'm sure there are quite a few people here without glasses. We do have a huge amount of members after all. A pity they aren't all active.

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Lol, we have 4304 registered members and probably less than fifty are active.

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I want contacts. But did you hear about the girl who went blind from a contact?

This really wierd thing just happened! I had Meatless meatballs in my inventory, and then I went to have a look at them and there was this white sqaure and under it, it said "Abominable Snowball eats Meatless Meatballs!" o_O I never knew petpets could eat!

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I dunno - maybe it was petpet food?


I could never wear contact lenses - I even have trouble taking eyedrops.

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What do you mean by 'get anything free'? If you were referring to a random event, I didn't get anything.

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Oh. Because I went there, and there was a random event that said " a purple cybunny walks up to you and gives you an easter negg!! cool!!" Written like that. And it didn't really sound like something TNT would say.

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TNT can be weird sometimes. They have an odd way of surprising you. I will assign some DOOM Corp. meepit agents to investigate.

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Don't you worry, DOOM agents are the best, even when they aren't backed up by DOOM combat squads.


And shouldn't it be just 'TNT' instead of 'the TNT'? Since 'TNT' = 'The Neopets Team', 'the TNT' = 'the The Neopets Team'. :P

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They actually have a pretty good sense of humour when they get down to it. Their name is a testament to that.

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Lucky you Myriad. As for petpets eating food, they can do it randomly and eat just about anything I guess (most likely food though). You can also get an avvie from petpets eating stuff, if you have a drackonack and it eats a food with cheese in it you get an avvie.

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Interesting - I shall have to keep my codestones at a safe distance.


Or I would if I had any codestones at the moment. <_<

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I sold all my codestones. But... petpets eat items from your inventory? I have three! They must be starving! Heeeellllpppp! *runs in circles*

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