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Giovanni Gale

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I'm stuck with exams... at least the most hectic week is over. But Add Maths is coming up...

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I take physics, chemistry, biology, English, Information Technology, economics (bleargh!), mathematics, and Additional Mathematics (AARGH!). None are really especially interesting at the moment.

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You said French twice. :P This is my last year of secondary education - I'm hoping to go into foundation next year and study computer science or something related, but my mum wants me to go into medicine or engineering. <_<

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For me, Biology is the hardest subject.

My parents want me to be some form of a doctor, but my dream (note: dream) is to become a pianist. Although I won't really be famous, and won't make much money...>.>

Otherwise, I'll probably be a writer (has no skills in writing) or an artist (is average, but not all that great).

Yupyup. :rolleyes_anim:

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For me, anything to do with computers with the single exception of a systems analyst. *Glares at system analysis section in my IT exam*

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I want to do do many things! My mum wants me to be a doctor, I want to be a dancer but I would like to be a pianist too, but I would also like to do something academic. Ugh! *pulls at hair*

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Oh, I forgot to mention, I'd also like to be a part-time writer. Since you can't really be a full-time writer (I don't think writing can work that way - if somebody has figured out a way to keep ideas for writing flowing 24-7, I'd appreciate it if they told me).

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I want to do do many things! My mum wants me to be a doctor, I want to be a dancer but I would like to be a pianist too, but I would also like to do something academic. Ugh! *pulls at hair*

Cool. =) How long have you been taking piano? Being a pianist is only my dream. After all, the actual professionals started in like Kindergarten or were prodigies.. <_<

And being a dancer sounds like a lot of fun. *cough* If you're flexible.


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